Saturday, December 13, 2008
Heaven needs more employees . .
A female ex-colleague of us had left the earthly world.
I couldn't no what's the reason, but two years back (juzt before I resigned from the company), I heard she was already deteriorate in health. Like me, she was a vegetarian(OMG!).
Hmm... this reminds me of 2005, that was the years where respectively I lost grandmum & my dear pap. It didn't stop there, more & more people that I acquanted and even having very close relationship with me had lost their lives, pre & post of my own griefness of missing two of these elderly family members.
I'm feeling a bit paranoid now. . . worrying the same phenomena . .
I'm pondering now, and I reckon, Heaven is in urgent need of more employees to assist in the task up there. So, calling upon more of His children to go back to His side.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Jacky & Marky Cielo, 請安息吧

Jacky, 才廿多的年輕人. . 三月份的今年, 我和阿安還與幾位朋友, 還有Jacky, 到了Kota Kinabalu, 去學人家的登神山. 回來過後, Derrick 還為此一行,在他的blog裡特寫了我們的經驗. 那是的Jacky還很興奮的帶了零用錢到這奇妙的地方, 希望能挑戰自己爬上這東南亞最高的山, 然後也趁機玩個通快. 至少在他這一生中, 還能做到這點.
我們幾個得聞其事, 有些覺得遺憾, 但並不悲傷. . .
可能麻木了. . .雖我們大家年齡非青少, 但見聞這類新聞也多.
所以還很不會驚訝友人有這種反應. 阿安還對阿Eng開了個玩笑, "你要知足呀! 活到這兒, 算是'檢到' 了.. 然後我們一塊伙哈哈笑起來.
不是我們沒良心, 只是上天特別愛我們這群, 所以就體會了生老病死的無奈是必然的, 人身是難得, 生命是無常, 是無價寶.
因此生活仍然要過, 雖很多事做不好. 最主要是要把握, 一且要珍惜, 好不好沒關係的, 不停止追求進步, 這才是重點, 也是路程, 也是目標, 也是終結.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
When will my compassionate soul performs like Lord Jesus did?

Monday, December 08, 2008
"出來"社會工作 (十一)
呵呵, 並不特地選這天來做的, 剛好今天, 是馬來西亞的公共假期, 地點很多人.
老實說, 接近一年半的時期, 經濟不景氣, 也帶來很大的 '威脅' 力, 尤其是我們這財務行業,也當然免不了.
趁著這次的roadshow, 來測驗一下人群的反應.
哈哈! 最後還是讓我能拿到幾個人的名字, 雖沒當場close 到半單case, 但總算是有些收穫.
在這6個小時裡, 和幾位同事, 當中,還有兩位GM (組織經理) 聊了起來. 同樣的問題, "最近做得還好嗎?" 這類的話題 . . .
我可能比較坦誠, 也很謙虛 (你可能覺得我在吹水, 但我明白人是有避諱的舉動. 一單你不讓他們覺得你發出一種 '威逼'感, 人與人就會敞開心胸, 就會樂於和你分享事情) 因此讓對方很自自然然的對我講述了他們如何又如何在這行拼了過來, 已往是怎樣有怎樣的受苦受難, 才能擁有今日的成果.
今天, 大概最大也最有鼓勵性的收穫, 我看是聽過這般 '不正式的激勵課程' 吧.. .. ..心中也起了感激的feel 了.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Smiley Moon & Star :)
I was heading on my motorcycle to my friend's house.
In front of the traffic light, I was waiting for the light to turn green. Suddenly I spotted some strange yet wonderful sight on top of me.
There was this crescent appearing in the sky. The anomily fact that, it was at a laying posture instead of the normal hook-like manner. And, even more impressive (well, at least to me) was that two twinkling stars hanging just some distance on top of the curved moon.
Bingo, it was a smiling face expression! The two little stars were the eyes, and the crescent was the smiley lip . .
Once I reached my friend's dwelling place, I snapped up photo of it. Unfortunately, somehow I failed to upload it to my laptop. I tried to take another round when reached home, but it had dwindled away in within the deep dark sky. . .
Today, I unintentionally discovered that such phenomena did happen before, in Australia, but the picture was a frowning face instead :
:) was it kinda hint, or another scarce wonder of the nature?
Monday, December 01, 2008
"出來"社會工作 (十)
因我在景氣旺盛的時候出來'闖', 那接下來就遇上經濟風暴的時期 . . .
無可否認的, 她說的有道理. 縱然如此, 最真確的因素我覺得還是做的不夠績極. 深呼吸. . !
突然之間, 覺得可能自己不夠一般創業者那般的 "狠" 吧 !!人家可說是, 為了找吃, 一路向前沖(也向錢沖), 帶些 '不擇手段' 的舉動去撈起一大筆的. 這樣, 才會有成功的一天. 或許吧.
難到我不夠 '狠' ? 野心不夠. 也許我應該像地球上的千百萬人, 一生一世打分穩定的薪資式工作, 比較適合我嗎? 我能感覺到, 連我這肉體也不斷的發出警訊及暗示著我這主人要 '看開點', 叫我不要這麼固執. 我心跳加速, 這我知道的(而且比以往來的更快了些, 也不太平均 ! 我比以前消瘦了很多, 呼吸也變得急速, 又短(三長兩短, 天啊!). 你以為我自己不著急嗎. 會的呀, 我每每在問自己, 這樣的堅持下去, 化算嗎?值得嗎?
每次顧慮到這邊, 我覺得很自己很可憐, 很孤獨, 淒涼喲. 但同個時間, 也安慰自己說 "世上沒有免費的午餐"呀, 一切成果都得要付出代價. 那是正常的. huu.. 自己得要時時刻刻作自己的輔導師, 呵呵, 真了不起.
我也不斷再提醒自己, 一定要記得多點愛惜自己. 可憐L太太, 我懂得她身為一位母親的心疼, 焦慮. 雖然我仍然不斷和她鬥嘴, 偶爾也鬥氣. 我只盼望有早一日, 而且要早早的, 不再讓自己, 和身邊的人為我擔憂.
又是訴說得給人感覺到灰灰的.. 但別要緊, 沒事, 沒事. 切記 : 明天不一定會更好, 但更好的明天一定會到 . 而且真正不斷在實現著. . 信心來了!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
Pay by phone
JAPANESE office worker Satoshi Tada pays for shopping, wins free food and gets store discounts all by waving his cellphone.
“I use it pretty much every day,” the 25-year-old said. “You can charge money on it right there if needed, and you don’t have to run around trying to find an ATM. You can even get points because it’s linked to credit cards.”

“You can’t deny that having such applications on a phone is convenient, and that will likely be the way that mobile phones are going worldwide,” said JPMorgan Securities analyst Hironobu Sawake in Tokyo. “People always carry cellphones on them, and they would find it useful to have a financial function there.”
These special phones can be used like money for purchases in stores equipped
with the scanners.
A wallet phone being held over a scanning device in Tokyo. These special phones can be used like money for purchases in stores equipped with the scanners.
“Now banks say: I have no doubt in the technology. We need to solve the business model between mobile and payments industries. It’s not a trivial task,” said James Anderson, a vice president at Mastercard’s mobile business. “There is a very strong consumer pull for this service.”
Saturday, November 15, 2008
輕鬆管理29~ 講得巧
Sunday, November 09, 2008
OooooChhh ! Surgery, or what?

Look at her back.. it was full of bruises. Nope, it's not what I've thought at first, guessing this musta be some kind of surgery performed to that gal.

But what on earth that you need you to slice your skin till it bleed? See the next pic...
Hollygosh.. ! Look at her.. it's mind-bogglingly to see the above pic, wondering what had she suffering from.
Did you see what I saw ? The SKIN, after being peeled off with knife from the body. can be pretty in agony to see what she had had experincing.
Did ya notice the blades, besides those flesh consequent of the blood-curdling, tacky kinda surgery being performed? I tell ya, you are wrong! Below pic is what shown as the ultimate result of the operation.
You gotta be not belieiving your eyes looking at this masterpiece . Haha! This is called Flesh Tatoo, a 'bloody' nice and painful(I reckoned that was for sure, don't you agree with me?)sacrification this girl had to go through...
As the Chinese sayings : Wish for a beauty by ignoring your lives.
My perception : An Universal Delude, unless you don't mind to go thru' the whole process.
Friday, October 31, 2008
“祕密” 的祕密~~ Power of Attraction
時間 : 晚, 11:42
地點 : 彭亨州, 雲頂高原
友人好幾次邀了我到雲頂去,今天總算上來了.延遲到現在有幾個原因 :
- 心情不太穩定 !
- 覺得這沒甚麼好去的
- 雲頂每每讓我惦記一些往事,在我這一生當中,和我來過這個地方的人們...
講最近的就好,5個月前的今天,我另一位有人帶我上來過,但如今已和他失去聯絡了.他很搞笑,也很樂觀.他是唯一教我到"勝地"裡搏運氣的人!所以很享受跟他到這兒吹風,賭個好運來! 就從此,我才不會覺得來這山頂是有些事可以做,不那麼悶了:)
...我後來答應來,也想說來 "逼" 自己放鬆一下!順便再來試試我的運氣,呵呵!
就可能因此而不太帶這"陽光"的心情而心不在焉. 出狀況了...
我竟然在乘坐籃車上去的時候,把錢包丟失了!在商店裡要付錢買東西是我臉色都變了.你知道嗎,我不知怎麼的,竟然不立刻覺得慌張起來,而是對自己說 "哈!好就沒發生這種事情",縱然還是覺得倒霉不過的..唉.友人建議我試找回剛走過的地方. “就算真的跌落在地上, 恐怕在這種人潮進出的情況下,也都給人拾起來, 然後笑嘻嘻說 ‘地上拾都寶,問天問地問不到’ 這句俗語囉 . . .
ok.長話短說,我找回了我的錢包! 現在想起來,可能當時我雖感覺到失落, 但只因為我還能抱持一種光明的希望,所以到最後仍然能脫離危機.
我不覺得這是甚麼的 "幸好"因如果那時我不心平氣和點的話,相信我就沒辦法想出拯救的行動,而改變結局.就像你在找拍車位,只要能抱住正面思想,得到車位的成功率肯定高很多.理由很簡單,因沒有負面想法導致你專心找位子,肯定容易找出位子啦, 哈哈!這,我比較大聲喊,因本人也嘗試過,也幾許成功過找拍車子的經驗.真的,不防可以自己試試看,喔!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
"出來"社會工作 (九)
Friday, October 24, 2008
He writes horizontally
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
這次比起上幾回不一樣. 以往的情景都是比較模糊的, 這次缺很逼真.
而且, 我這次還面對面和他聊聊天, 表達一些心裡話...但別問我談了些甚麼, 因我都記不清.
這次也與以往不同之處是, 我 ba ba 臉上顯然比起來開朗多了. 夢中的其中一段, 他還握住我的手...
家員當中,我可是夢見 ba ba 次數最多. 咳... 看來, 我仍然懷念 ba ba, 懷舊以前一家人和 ba ba 的生活. 還有, 騙不了自己的真實是, 我明白我還不完全100%的習慣目前的生活變化.
老豆, 你不用擔心我們了, 我們會盡力為我們的生活奮鬥, 一直走下去.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Mother Nature ~ take it for granted !

And, associated with the current raining season, contributed by the Nine Kings Vegetarian festival , or called Jiu Wang Zai which ended two days ago, is celebrated by the Chinese during the first 9 day of the Nineth Month of Lunar Calendar.
Somehow, I had a inauspicious feeling as I made my way up the man-made staircases. Traces of some kinda vehicle tyres marked the muddy soil (due to the rain) as I walked through the land.

I said "O.M.G" hopefully it is not what I've foreseen earlier to be take place that soon. And, to my despair, suddenly I realised a piece of machinery being parked nearby the 'entrance' of the hill.
What I expected seems to be coming to a true reality. Very soon, this tiny hill will face its extinction of nature. Yeap, a dwelling development project(I guess) is commencing already.

When I first being explored to this piece of nature-surrounded hill (it was a left-over rubber plantation land, I assumed, having to see lots of rubber trees standing on the hill), there wast already on-going high-end housing developments constructing near the foot of the hill. Having such environmental threat, anybody will beforehand predicts what its destiny going to be.
I don't consider myself as a mother nature enthusiats, but it wouldn't be exaggerated to put myself as being compassion towards its affairs and conditions.
A view from one of the summit, looking ahead is the newly completed Villa Manja double-storey semi-D houses.

The next thing came into my mind was, very soon, the fate of the habitants of the hill, yaloh~ the bunch of 'mankind ancestors' residing inside the hill, Monkeys, will get to a worse situation.
I can imagine them jumping around the houses of the future occupant when they have no trees to swing around..
A view featuring the extravagant dwelling area,
Desa Parkcity. A cozy supermarket, cafes, and restaurants with a human-made pond
are found in the middle of this housing estate.
The remaining land on this hill stretches about less than half a kilometres of range, will soon vanish as a nature landmark to a fully developed high cost dwelling area. ..

On one of the summit where I usually end by hiking, you can see a long rod stalking near the edge of the hill, with our national flag tied on top of it, fluttering in the air. First instinct tells you that some patriotic human-being has put it up there.
Nonetheless, its give me an impression of something non-related to patrioticism act, but to convey the message of compassionate towards the once rich with plenty of nature environment of a country we used to have. Alas, this is gonna be instead a sarcasm to our next and future generations.. sigh.
Rain again, poured from the greyish sky, I ran for my live.. couldn't carry on with my exersicing anymore. I ran away not because I afraid of the rain, but I worried my mobile phone will flare up a spark of fire and belching out smoke ! Having to say that I recalled that my friend had once experiencing his mobile unit smoked out as he soaked himself in the rain riding the motorcycle !!!

This is the stream look-alike of dashing rain water along
the route when I left the hill this afternoon.
I managed to snapped a the above pic with my handset before leaving. Of course it survived from the heavy pour, otherwise the above pic will not be seen here, hoho.
Friday, October 03, 2008
KL Pavillion ~ 半日遊
我和本地的一位朋友就決定帶這位認識了近20年的佛堂好友到吉隆坡Pavillion廣場shopping. 但,因為沒來過這間剛今年開張的百貨公司,就聽不清楚此廣場的名稱. 她就說的"歪"了些..稱呼的有點像 "parliment" 似的. 我就和她開個玩笑說, 如是parliment 大樓,我就請她自便,我才不到那種地方囉 !!! 她聽了哈哈笑的. 可是呢, 直到到達那地點才能念的對那美觀廣場的名.."哦..原本是Pavillion".
之前,自己也曾去過Pavillion, 但並不好好的去逛一逛, 這次,可選是真正把整棟商店跑個圈..畢竟, 本人不習慣純粹逛街而不作購物...過後,還到附近的LowYatPlaza一趟. 到了晚上,還馬不停蹄的繼續到了Damansara Mutiara 的 Ikea 傢俱點逛逛. 其實, 也很久沒這樣用整天時間做shopping, 應該是window shopping.. 嘻嘻..
呵呵,也好啦, 應該要感謝她的到來找我們這班老友, 也就選是给自己一個機會 "holiday" , 也 "強迫" 自己來放鬆一下, 寬待自己平時很忙的生 !
其實, 就覺得我們(尤其KL老百姓) 太忙碌了, 可要好好愛惜自己. :p
Sunday, September 21, 2008
"出來"社會工作 (八)
這個周末,我去當了兩天的part time 推銷員 (promoter)!前幾天從一個論壇網站看到這摘廣告要聘請此崗位.想了說要賺些零用錢,所以見了負責人後便去做了.
那裡來的顧客都是馬來同胞.我有個習慣就是自然跟哪種種族就會配合他/們的腔調,旁邊的職員問我到底是100%華人,呵呵..另一方面被提的問題就是我的年齡 :( 給了暗示後,那兩位職員的雙眼睛都張的特別大粒,過後就說..喔,男生沒有更年期 :p )
回到家,我獨自覺得有些憐憫了自己起來..怎麼搞成"落入"這種地步 !!唉...但,想起從很多成功人士的例子,他們也大部分都是經歷過很多風波,又低做起,這才安撫了自己的小性靈(嘻..)呵呵,只是..阿昌覺得這種工作 by right 在15載前已接觸過.真沒想過,竟然還有 ’機會’賞識過....
我從以上經驗得到兩個可能性的啟示 :
(一) 本身的適應能力可說是相當強,但另個角度來看,很容易滿足..不知我是否想太多?
(二) 我也終於了解,追求夢想隨是辛苦,但能做一些屬於自己要的東西可是一種慶幸
Thursday, September 18, 2008
以上的典故,可能像我的友人們在暗中啟示著我 "一切不宜勉強,要做任何事,列入開創事業等,也別像那位神父般天真..." 唉..我承認,意志力開始搖晃了, 不管辦事還是處理人際關係,雖不強,須要時間去學,但兩個字..堅持!! 或許我是知道那是個過程,我渴望能堅持到成果顯現,不一定要很耀眼,只期盼有一條自己想要的路程,生活而已.
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Passionate & Innovative
A blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by his feet. He held up a sign which said: 'I am blind, please help.' There were only a few coins in the hat.
A man was walking by. He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them into the hat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote some words.
The man said, 'I only wrote the truth. I said what you said but in a different way.
Moral of the Story: Be thankful for what you have. Be creative. Be innovative. Think differently and positively.
Monday, September 01, 2008
身邊原已並不多朋友的我,最近工作上的時間和性質使我更加的少跟好友們 ‘混’在一起,這,大概是讓我感覺不愉悅並燜燜不樂的原因吧..坦白說,我甚至會覺得和友人的話題減少了,所謂的 channel不和了.
Monday, August 25, 2008
"出來"社會工作 (七)
以前對我的指導和鼓勵, 我在這兒, 要再次向你說聲 "謝謝" .
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Lotus-cum-Sunflower ??

For those who love gardening, and if you do grow sunflowers....

Two years ago, my secondary school classmate went to Mainland China to pursue his studies in Chinese Medical. He sent the following snaps that successfully forced my jaw to drop opened...

Tadaaa....the local chinese anomily-kinda of sunflower spesis. You guys agree or notttt...?
Ok, ok.. maybe i'm the frog-in-the-well (chinese fable) , but, hey fren, observe carefully. The bud has a diametrically size of a stool that you land your butts on. The above pic illuminates pretty well, self-explanatory.
This reminds me of the lotus that dieties, gods and goddess normally use to sit or stand on, a symbolic item of enlightenment...
If you're a kauci lovers, I suggest you fly over to the mainland and grab as many buds as you could. Just be ready to pay for the extra luggage fees. It's cheap....sold at a merely and unbeatable price of RMB2 !!!
And the best part is, the chinese sale it bud by bud, hoho!! Imagine you bring along a bud of sunflower into the cineplex as your tidbits while enjoying the movie..If you can't finish them, bring it back and treat it as your reflexology pad to your cushion furniture, hee hee.
This is a organic, synthetic-free and preservatice-free food. An innovative saleable product ought to be made available in the organic shops. ^^
p/s : photos are (inadventently) courtesy from my ShinSeh classmate buddy :p
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
剛剛在戲裡聽到一個對白,說 :
所以,身為被人不接納缺點的我,就重今開始...原諒自己吧 .

Friday, August 08, 2008
8.8.8 Today, I went to the Registrar of...
As one of the Axxxx channels is screening the opening ceremony (already half-way through) of the 29th Olympic grand event, Year 2008 in Beijing, China, the whole world is witnessing this historical moment in front of the TV box, either with their family members at their own home, at friend's dwelling, accompanying life's partner's family, alone in the room enjoying the show, sipping the teh tarik with your buddies...
Your wishing is a blessing to me. Thankyou all of you.
I have successfully registered myself at ... SSM, as a sole propiertor. Haha!
At this special date, many couples around the globe have had happily walked into the Registrar of Marriage offices.
And me, you might think I have deliberately choosen this date for my "petite"company (haha, just to show how sweet and humble the name I've given for my company-Easy Choice Ent)。
Believe me, it's just my instinct that I ought to do it today. It was not until reading a notice that I realised today's auspicious numbers, highlighting the date 08.08.08 in red, informing some temporary counters were being set up around Klang Valley to cop with the expectation of much higher volume of the taukes(me one of them, haha) coming over to perform registration for their companies.
Good-lah, auspicious date to issue a 'birth cert for my company, hehe!
888 "fatt, fatt, fatt , fatt...." (literarily, reiterately translated to mean 'prosperous')
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
My dream is a resemblant or the other way round?


Goodnight buddy.
....cross my heart and I wish you will have a good and of course, not a resemblant dream, the least whenever you dream, if not every night. Should be the otherway round, so as to get a pleasant result in reality.
In spite of the fact, that I would not have good dream over this matter, forever..
Sunday, August 03, 2008
洋灰块砸车 甲洞天桥又裂封路 MMR2 - Cracking Recurred Again


报案者再努丁(37岁)指出,他是吉隆坡快速巴士(RAPID KL)的员工,长期在事发地点前的巴士站驻守,等候每辆巴士抵站签到。

负责维修裂柱的是德国工程顾问公司Leonhradt Andra & Partners,而内阁当时也同意支付不超过500万令吉的服务费给英国工程顾问公司。
August 3, 2008 18:54
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
"出來"社會工作 (六)~Amended Version
Monday, July 28, 2008
China's Web users top 250m on back of disasters, Olympics

The number of Internet surfers in China grew by 56 percent in the year to the end of June, the government-linked China Internet Network Information Centre said in its latest half-yearly report posted on its website Thursday.
Online music, news and instant messaging were the most popular applications, it said.
Readers of online news hit 206 million in the first half of this year, compared with 155 million in the second half of 2007, said the report.
"A series of significant news incidents that took place (meant) more netizens looked for related information on the Internet," it said.
Natural disasters such as snow storms during the Lunar New Year holiday and the earthquake that hit Sichuan province in May were huge news events online, along with news of the Olympics that start on August 8.
People younger than 30 accounted for 69 percent of total Internet users, the report found, adding that 29 percent of users accessed the Internet with mobile phones, reflecting the rapid growth of cellphone subscribers to 601 million at the end of June.
The report said that with 19 percent of the 1.3 billion population accessing the Internet, China lagged the global average of 21 percent.
While the fast-growing online population has made the Internet a new forum for Chinese to express opinions in a manner rarely seen on the strictly government-controlled traditional media, the communist government does attempt to keep tight controls on how it is used.
President Hu Jintao called last year for efforts to "purify" the Internet, and in March the authorities introduced a licensing system in the online video service sector in the latest example of tightened government control.
Friday, July 25, 2008
當我知道了這狀況後,我整個人感覺猶如心臟被挖掘出來了!! 我不能在面對我自己...我竟然讓人家對我徹底失望,遺憾!!!
啊!!天呀.那種感覺很哀傷,悲痛.我很渴望能說一千聲,一萬次的 "對不起"但這三個字瞬間就很快的在空氣中消失無影無蹤..永遠沒辦法道出來給對方聽.
Saturday, July 19, 2008
INTO THE WILD ~Journey of Christopher Johnson McCandless

INTO THE WILD is based on the bestselling non-fiction book by Jon Krakauer. It was directed by Sean Penn, who also wrote the screenplay, and stars Emile Hirsch, Jena Malone, Marcia Gay Harden, Vince Vauhgn, William Hurt and Catherine Keener.

Thursday, July 10, 2008
"出來"社會工作 (五) amended version
還有,更現實的話題...收入方面是真的,真的依靠自己一手一腳,汗水,努力去拼出的.到了月尾就開始心憂憂的,緊張這月份所努力過的成果能否足夠讓我下個月的開資及生活費.有時真的會產生一點點崩潰的感覺喲.以前看過電視或電影裡的窮家角色,不足夠銀子開飯的那幕,no feeling,"唉呀..只是戲劇而已",但現在看了,我的心抽起一塊唷..酸溜溜的..當業績不理想時,戲裡的局面像是拼出了我那時的一個模型,剎那間就略同了我的處境.
再來,因為工作時間比較flexible,所以逗留在家的機會比較多.也自然和媽媽在屋頂下相處的時間就多了.咳..以前總覺得很多事情會以各人的立場去想,疏忽了媽媽的感受.這一年多的時間,好幾次都因一些事件和媽媽吵鬧了起來!所以媽媽都說我變了,不時也很容易情緒失控,搞成發脾氣.漸漸的才曉得,也體會了為何以往媽媽會有不可理解的反應及動作.原來每個人都期盼有人共鳴的,媽媽也需要這點,而我也渴望身變人的支持!其實,如能退讓一步,那事情的解決方式就會比較妥善..最主要是我們能夠確保以後不會後悔.只怪以前都一直帶著不理不睬的性格,所造成現在面臨自負的後果..那不是也在磨練我們要忍氣吞聲嗎?試想如果罵的人不是自各母親,我們可能還會忍受,但只因帶這不珍惜的心態,"利用"了媽媽為"自己人"而動不動就會起埋怨心!! 上個星期,媽媽認不住,開口責罵了我一頓,我忽然之間覺得自己把不快樂及忿怒的心境移轉到身邊人的身上了. 不是因為不服氣,而是察覺到原來自己是那般的愚傭,那般的差勁!!瞬息間,失落的感覺湧上我的胸襟,那天,雙眼正在看著電腦屏幕的我,眼眶裡開始噙著淚水,俳徊等待時機掉落下來,我心裡難過起來...從這事項,就知道自己的承擔力有多弱..所以,要學習控制情緒,和一定要練習盡量把寬容度增加大些!不然,往後要怎能在外頭立足呢?以下這段典故可以則證明了這事實 :
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
"出來"社會工作 (四)
雖為從小學到畢業,都是讀國型學校,但我並不因此而掌握一級棒的英文,哈哈,都是半桶水的呀...能夠在這寫寫blog也是能感到滿足.尤其是我想寫比較感性的話題或題材,都喜愛用中文來編寫 (部落格裡面的帖子就是好的例子,嘻..)
說實在的, 在這段日子當中除了能讓我深感,處在社會上的一些點點滴滴,也真給我看見了人生的起起落落. 以下的全都是我 “撞板”的經驗,就當作警惕自己吧,望能使以後多注意...
我還很記得,當我就讀小學時,到了要上學校的時間,曾經幾次都躲在房間裡偷偷哭起來,因為覺得不願意去面對外界的人(同學們) !!很奇怪的小孩,對嗎?就這樣嘍..比較懂事的年齡,照樣那麼的不喜歡處理事務..一直很依賴我爸爸和大哥.父親的突然離去就猶如棒子在我頭上這麼一擊,打醒了我..."醒覺"後的我,真是感受到又恐懼又凌亂.
從此,我給自己說,要勇敢站起來的時候了.我對自己許下承諾, 不能再這樣下去.與其等到以後發生狀況而感到悲哀,倒不如現在來開始好好去學面對人生的挑戰吧.
Monday, July 07, 2008
Why? 因为屠夫天天作善事,叫和尚起来念经,相反地,和尚天天叫屠夫起来杀生……
小哲理: 你做的东西是不是都是你认为对的,却不一定是对的。
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Bukit Orang... secret hiking place in Kepong
For myself, i'm lucky to have one small hill nearby my resident.
I go there twice, add on to thrice if possible every week. Not bad, no a reserve forest though, and day by day it is facing threats of being scraped off to flat ground, a nature sacrification to make way for the gradual housing development in the nearby area..
And I was eager to take them some photos, and that particular day, i told one of my acquintainces from the MSN chatbox that hopefully I would manage to carry my camera and take a few snaps.Personally, I reckon it's supposingly to be named Bukit Orang. Why? Simple, coz from the eyes of these long-tailed creatures, they are as astonished as you are to see so many monkeys, and vice-versa. Hehe. Imagining them having capability of uttering words, they will put a question mark of why so many human-beings visited the hill every days, several round daily....haha! So, these dearly 'homo'sapiens might spontaneously answer you the name of the hill as Buki Orang, if you would to query in front of them. lollll..
Almost around 5:45pm will be the dinning time, and everyone will gather round near the entrance before you proceed to the man-made staircases up the hill....
Tadaa..... below are the masterpieces... Hey, I quoted out some of the dialogues by these mammals (huh.. dun asked why... unbelievably, I was granted the super power of understanding their language !! Alas, this miracle ceased once I reached home, and such sacred force never befall on me anymore, not in my later life either, of course.
"...rock-a-baby, oh my little baby..."
"Why am I here? Huh! Following my lord, he's the donor and supplier for the
gorillas' dinner.. S@##, why do I not receive such good treat from my lord?? I
jealous loh, with these gorrilas!!"
"..Grrr....I'll be back, for more fruits, grrr..."
Oh, no no, dun be mistaken, the tree doesn't speak.. This is our Malaysia's property, Getah De Pokok.
Still got rubber collector meh, nowadays?? Poor little tree, dunno which 'Antie' dropping her big signature on it?
This cap belonged to a Japanese soldier who lost his way in the then jungle
during WW II.
"And, I'm the winner of the day...!!!! Got the biggest pack-of-the-day dinner for myself, yeah."
"Eh... dun try to snatch it from me, ah.. "
End liao.... :)
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