Monday, August 25, 2008

"出來"社會工作 (七)










以前對我的指導和鼓勵, 我在這兒, 要再次向你說聲 "謝謝" .


Thursday, August 21, 2008

Lotus-cum-Sunflower ??

When I was a kid, I was astonished to know that actually kuaci is actually the seed from sunflower.

For those who love gardening, and if you do grow sunflowers....

It is even an amazing feeling if you are able to cultivate the plant to produce the flower size with diameter as large as your face..

Two years ago, my secondary school classmate went to Mainland China to pursue his studies in Chinese Medical. He sent the following snaps that successfully forced my jaw to drop opened...




Tadaaa....the local chinese anomily-kinda of sunflower spesis. You guys agree or notttt...?

Ok, ok.. maybe i'm the frog-in-the-well (chinese fable) , but, hey fren, observe carefully. The bud has a diametrically size of a stool that you land your butts on. The above pic illuminates pretty well, self-explanatory.

This reminds me of the lotus that dieties, gods and goddess normally use to sit or stand on, a symbolic item of enlightenment...

If you're a kauci lovers, I suggest you fly over to the mainland and grab as many buds as you could. Just be ready to pay for the extra luggage fees. It's cheap....sold at a merely and unbeatable price of RMB2 !!!

And the best part is, the chinese sale it bud by bud, hoho!! Imagine you bring along a bud of sunflower into the cineplex as your tidbits while enjoying the movie..If you can't finish them, bring it back and treat it as your reflexology pad to your cushion furniture, hee hee.

This is a organic, synthetic-free and preservatice-free food. An innovative saleable product ought to be made available in the organic shops. ^^

p/s : photos are (inadventently) courtesy from my ShinSeh classmate buddy :p

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


"過去",除了讓它真正過去,也要"放手"讓開,讓它溜走. 等待一些挽救的機會,相信是很多人期盼的,但...事實已擺在眼前.

剛剛在戲裡聽到一個對白,說 :
"我們可能性會生氣,是因不滿意或不能接納對方的缺點和過錯,故,就不原諒別人.現在自己才來覺得後悔而感到痛苦. 何不學習原諒我們自己,那做錯的人才會有機會原諒他自己?"

所以,身為被人不接納缺點的我,就重今開始...原諒自己吧 .


Friday, August 08, 2008

8.8.8 Today, I went to the Registrar of...

9pm, Aug8, 2008.

As one of the Axxxx channels is screening the opening ceremony (already half-way through) of the 29th Olympic grand event, Year 2008 in Beijing, China, the whole world is witnessing this historical moment in front of the TV box, either with their family members at their own home, at friend's dwelling, accompanying life's partner's family, alone in the room enjoying the show, sipping the teh tarik with your buddies...

Your wishing is a blessing to me. Thankyou all of you.

I have successfully registered myself at ... SSM, as a sole propiertor. Haha!

At this special date, many couples around the globe have had happily walked into the Registrar of Marriage offices.

And me, you might think I have deliberately choosen this date for my "petite"company (haha, just to show how sweet and humble the name I've given for my company-Easy Choice Ent)。

Believe me, it's just my instinct that I ought to do it today. It was not until reading a notice that I realised today's auspicious numbers, highlighting the date 08.08.08 in red, informing some temporary counters were being set up around Klang Valley to cop with the expectation of much higher volume of the taukes(me one of them, haha) coming over to perform registration for their companies.

Good-lah, auspicious date to issue a 'birth cert for my company, hehe!

888 "fatt, fatt, fatt , fatt...." (literarily, reiterately translated to mean 'prosperous')

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

My dream is a resemblant or the other way round?

People says what you dreamt means the other way round.

If you dreamt you are sick, then you will have health.

....If you dreamt someone leave you, it means the person will stays side by side to you.

...If you dreamt losing money, wealth is waiting for you in the next few days.

...If you dreamt somebody is dying, it is prophesing something auspicious will emerge in front of this person.


I'm confused, and I pondering whether such saying is misleading or is it a truth believe. At least I guess that's not true on me.

Something which I don't like and don't expect it in my whole life has occured recently. I created incident that sparked out dissappointment to each other. Two months pass, but I still feel upset over this misfortunate (both to the other party and myself, and regretfullness sense spilled all over my whole body).

It has been two months since this recentment. I dreamt twice, that everything was back to normal, at least we were as good buddy as before. The dreams, transformed us back to the way we were before, and I felt extremely relieved and happy again, but alas, they were just my dreams.

In my dream, that person's reaction is a bit vague to me, a bit restless, with a gimmick happy smile on the face.... haha......... (gloomy laugh), maybe it is just reflecting my ownself over this matter. This buddy told me before "if you found that person not at all a cheerful and positive personalities, then it's not me, it's other people then". I believe so, now.

Yet again, everything is a resemblant to me, the person's in my dream represents my own circumstance, my feeling. The illusion plays plays a betrayal to the owner of this dream.

Couldn't forgive myself forever, i know that.. how I wish the dream is the other way round, not a resemblance to the real world.

Goodnight buddy.

....cross my heart and I wish you will have a good and of course, not a resemblant dream, the least whenever you dream, if not every night. Should be the otherway round, so as to get a pleasant result in reality.

In spite of the fact, that I would not have good dream over this matter, forever..

Sunday, August 03, 2008

洋灰块砸车 甲洞天桥又裂封路 MMR2 - Cracking Recurred Again





报案者再努丁(37岁)指出,他是吉隆坡快速巴士(RAPID KL)的员工,长期在事发地点前的巴士站驻守,等候每辆巴士抵站签到。






时任工程部长的拿督斯里三美威鲁解释,维修费激增,是因为有待修补的裂柱从18根增加至31根,而兴建“毛病”大桥的承包商Bumi Hiway只承担1800万令吉维修费,而且没有受到对付。

负责维修裂柱的是德国工程顾问公司Leonhradt Andra & Partners,而内阁当时也同意支付不超过500万令吉的服务费给英国工程顾问公司。


August 3, 2008 18:54

49 (fortnight) DJ Song
