Friday, February 27, 2009

"出來"社會工作 (十二)

剛從明德佛堂回來. 去打打掃, 也是搬遷後的第一次到那打掃..說起來,沒有内疚感是騙人,更是騙著自己.

離開當初穩穩定定的工作環境已兩個春秋了..我這段期間都沒甚麼心情要作做任何需要費力的事情或需用到心思去辦的事...其實自己也瞭解,那原因是無它的, 就因工作及思想有所"改革"了..hmm.

回憶起,真是有點驚奇..我挨了足足 789了, 是789的日子 !

說真心話, 仍然有著哹哹沉沉的感覺.

嘗試幹過不同的活, 不敢說經歷非一般的社會經驗,但, 也體會到像 阿賢在節目上說的一句話 : 揾食艱難, 哈哈!!!

人家說, 創業是一條寂寞的路程, 我認同了,也明白了. 就如一位皇帝要創造及保住他的江山那般的孤寂生涯, 所以他們都稱自己謂'寡人' .

最終能為自己鼓勵打氣的, 始終最好的知己還是自己本身..

但還是很感謝我身邊所有曾經, 正在, 還有將要直接及間接鼓勵, 給於我一切的勇氣的家人及友人 .

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Starfish Philosophy From Andrew Ho

Yeap, yeap, yeap.

The story of starfish pushes me to make this move.

I know I don't have many readers (at all), but again the story does give a good job.

You guys can contribute & do your part as well.

Monday, February 02, 2009

The Boss Run Away, Our Pocket Money Runs To the Boss

On the third day of this Lunar New Year, my two friends and me travelled up to the north to visit another buddy. She stays at Kulim.

As usual, she became our tour guide to the Pearl Island, Penang.

We have plan no proper itinerary this round, it is just a 'free& easy' tour. Once we crossed the Penang Bridge, without hesistance, we went to a vegetarian restaurants, hoping to enjoy the local dedicacies, but ended up not a really special meal.

Immediately after the meal, we headed straight to Queensbay shopping mall. I would say this is the another mall (it has a size almost equivalent to Balakong's Jusco) that is located just a few hundred metres from the beach, facing the breeze from the sea, besides the one found at Malacca.

There was a shop selling personnel accessories. Inside the shop, a crowd of people were patronising it. Very soon, we realised the shop was having a sale.

And what wirtten on a banner hang on top, in front of the entrance somehow did inspire me. It reads as this :

I guess the owner is a lady-boss by the name 'Ah-Lien'.

My two other female friends joins the 'carnival' hoping to grap some goodies with half-of-original price. Me did the same thing, on some of the ladies accessories. Of course its not for my mum nor for myself. . I'm juz treated the good offered prices and tackled some to top-up some stock for my online business, hoho.

The boss run away indeed, with a very innovative ways of asking merciness from the public in helping to perform stock clearance in a delighting manner.

And you bet it works pretty fine, coz our money runs away with the Boss..

49 (fortnight) DJ Song
