Saturday, December 13, 2008

Heaven needs more employees . .

Just in within 36 hours, and I had just received another grief news of death.

A female ex-colleague of us had left the earthly world.

I couldn't no what's the reason, but two years back (juzt before I resigned from the company), I heard she was already deteriorate in health. Like me, she was a vegetarian(OMG!).

Hmm... this reminds me of 2005, that was the years where respectively I lost grandmum & my dear pap. It didn't stop there, more & more people that I acquanted and even having very close relationship with me had lost their lives, pre & post of my own griefness of missing two of these elderly family members.

I'm feeling a bit paranoid now. . . worrying the same phenomena . .

I'm pondering now, and I reckon, Heaven is in urgent need of more employees to assist in the task up there. So, calling upon more of His children to go back to His side.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Jacky & Marky Cielo, 請安息吧

前兩天才從網絡讀到一位才20歲菲律賓藝人Marky Cielo 的死亡消息.

今早, 也聽到一個悲哀的消息...一位友人的朋友去世了.

Jacky, 才廿多的年輕人. . 三月份的今年, 我和阿安還與幾位朋友, 還有Jacky, 到了Kota Kinabalu, 去學人家的登神山. 回來過後, Derrick 還為此一行,在他的blog裡特寫了我們的經驗. 那是的Jacky還很興奮的帶了零用錢到這奇妙的地方, 希望能挑戰自己爬上這東南亞最高的山, 然後也趁機玩個通快. 至少在他這一生中, 還能做到這點.

我們幾個得聞其事, 有些覺得遺憾, 但並不悲傷. . .

可能麻木了. . .雖我們大家年齡非青少, 但見聞這類新聞也多.

所以還很不會驚訝友人有這種反應. 阿安還對阿Eng開了個玩笑, "你要知足呀! 活到這兒, 算是'檢到' 了.. 然後我們一塊伙哈哈笑起來.
. . . . .

不是我們沒良心, 只是上天特別愛我們這群, 所以就體會了生老病死的無奈是必然的, 人身是難得, 生命是無常, 是無價寶.

因此生活仍然要過, 雖很多事做不好. 最主要是要把握, 一且要珍惜, 好不好沒關係的, 不停止追求進步, 這才是重點, 也是路程, 也是目標, 也是終結.


Thursday, December 11, 2008

When will my compassionate soul performs like Lord Jesus did?

The last time I knelt down in front of Lord Jesus was few years ago.

It was inside a chapel at Cameron Highlands' Convent School. That was my first time when I experienced sprinkling holy water from both sides of the main entrance (forgive me, I dun know what is that procedure called).
Though I'm not disciple of Lord Jesus, but I did that.

Few years later today, in this middle of the nite, I recalled that moment. I hate to caught with such feeling ~ loniness. I still remembered asking few of my buddies, do they worried about loniness? Guess, I'm too pessimistic, knowing notting truely will happen in the future and yet worrying so much. Will I end my life in such a way?

Can't fall asleep easily when such feeling gets its way to my mind.. so I keyed in a few words here. . hmmmm

Maybe this is a reminder hint to me, well, if you can't get the love you want, why not spread your love to others instead. Haha!! Not trying to be bragging myself nor do I acting like a saint, but I guess this is the best compensation that I can make to ownself that makes me feels better..

Ok, I just hope I can master this art of compassionatism as soon as possible. It's the only thing I think consoles me well. . .I preach for that, maybe I need to.

God Bless. Amen...
p/s I felt so paiseh (a Chinese dialect~ Hokkienese, literally translated to mean "shy") to express my feeling of loniness here, but hey, that's the whole purpose of having web log, isn't it?

Monday, December 08, 2008

"出來"社會工作 (十一)


呵呵, 並不特地選這天來做的, 剛好今天, 是馬來西亞的公共假期, 地點很多人.

老實說, 接近一年半的時期, 經濟不景氣, 也帶來很大的 '威脅' 力, 尤其是我們這財務行業,也當然免不了.

趁著這次的roadshow, 來測驗一下人群的反應.

哈哈! 最後還是讓我能拿到幾個人的名字, 雖沒當場close 到半單case, 但總算是有些收穫.

在這6個小時裡, 和幾位同事, 當中,還有兩位GM (組織經理) 聊了起來. 同樣的問題, "最近做得還好嗎?" 這類的話題 . . .

我可能比較坦誠, 也很謙虛 (你可能覺得我在吹水, 但我明白人是有避諱的舉動. 一單你不讓他們覺得你發出一種 '威逼'感, 人與人就會敞開心胸, 就會樂於和你分享事情) 因此讓對方很自自然然的對我講述了他們如何又如何在這行拼了過來, 已往是怎樣有怎樣的受苦受難, 才能擁有今日的成果.

今天, 大概最大也最有鼓勵性的收穫, 我看是聽過這般 '不正式的激勵課程' 吧.. .. ..心中也起了感激的feel 了.


Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Smiley Moon & Star :)

It was yesterday, Dec2, 2008~ 20:50

I was heading on my motorcycle to my friend's house.

In front of the traffic light, I was waiting for the light to turn green. Suddenly I spotted some strange yet wonderful sight on top of me.

There was this crescent appearing in the sky. The anomily fact that, it was at a laying posture instead of the normal hook-like manner. And, even more impressive (well, at least to me) was that two twinkling stars hanging just some distance on top of the curved moon.

Bingo, it was a smiling face expression! The two little stars were the eyes, and the crescent was the smiley lip . .

Once I reached my friend's dwelling place, I snapped up photo of it. Unfortunately, somehow I failed to upload it to my laptop. I tried to take another round when reached home, but it had dwindled away in within the deep dark sky. . .

Today, I unintentionally discovered that such phenomena did happen before, in Australia, but the picture was a frowning face instead :

:) was it kinda hint, or another scarce wonder of the nature?

Monday, December 01, 2008

"出來"社會工作 (十)


因我在景氣旺盛的時候出來'闖', 那接下來就遇上經濟風暴的時期 . . .

無可否認的, 她說的有道理. 縱然如此, 最真確的因素我覺得還是做的不夠績極. 深呼吸. . !

突然之間, 覺得可能自己不夠一般創業者那般的 "狠" 吧 !!人家可說是, 為了找吃, 一路向前沖(也向錢沖), 帶些 '不擇手段' 的舉動去撈起一大筆的. 這樣, 才會有成功的一天. 或許吧.

難到我不夠 '狠' ? 野心不夠. 也許我應該像地球上的千百萬人, 一生一世打分穩定的薪資式工作, 比較適合我嗎? 我能感覺到, 連我這肉體也不斷的發出警訊及暗示著我這主人要 '看開點', 叫我不要這麼固執. 我心跳加速, 這我知道的(而且比以往來的更快了些, 也不太平均 ! 我比以前消瘦了很多, 呼吸也變得急速, 又短(三長兩短, 天啊!). 你以為我自己不著急嗎. 會的呀, 我每每在問自己, 這樣的堅持下去, 化算嗎?值得嗎?

每次顧慮到這邊, 我覺得很自己很可憐, 很孤獨, 淒涼喲. 但同個時間, 也安慰自己說 "世上沒有免費的午餐"呀, 一切成果都得要付出代價. 那是正常的. huu.. 自己得要時時刻刻作自己的輔導師, 呵呵, 真了不起.

我也不斷再提醒自己, 一定要記得多點愛惜自己. 可憐L太太, 我懂得她身為一位母親的心疼, 焦慮. 雖然我仍然不斷和她鬥嘴, 偶爾也鬥氣. 我只盼望有早一日, 而且要早早的, 不再讓自己, 和身邊的人為我擔憂.

又是訴說得給人感覺到灰灰的.. 但別要緊, 沒事, 沒事. 切記 : 明天不一定會更好, 但更好的明天一定會到 . 而且真正不斷在實現著. . 信心來了!
矯正自己的心情後, 再重新出發. . . 加油昌哥!

49 (fortnight) DJ Song
