Friday, October 31, 2008

“祕密” 的祕密~~ Power of Attraction

“祕密” 的祕密

時間 : 晚, 11:42

地點 : 彭亨州, 雲頂高原

友人好幾次邀了我到雲頂去,今天總算上來了.延遲到現在有幾個原因 :

- 心情不太穩定 !
- 覺得這沒甚麼好去的
- 雲頂每每讓我惦記一些往事,在我這一生當中,和我來過這個地方的人們... 

講最近的就好,5個月前的今天,我另一位有人帶我上來過,但如今已和他失去聯絡了.他很搞笑,也很樂觀.他是唯一教我到"勝地"裡搏運氣的人!所以很享受跟他到這兒吹風,賭個好運來! 就從此,我才不會覺得來這山頂是有些事可以做,不那麼悶了:)

...我後來答應來,也想說來 "逼" 自己放鬆一下!順便再來試試我的運氣,呵呵!

就可能因此而不太帶這"陽光"的心情而心不在焉. 出狀況了...

我竟然在乘坐籃車上去的時候,把錢包丟失了!在商店裡要付錢買東西是我臉色都變了.你知道嗎,我不知怎麼的,竟然不立刻覺得慌張起來,而是對自己說 "哈!好就沒發生這種事情",縱然還是覺得倒霉不過的..唉.友人建議我試找回剛走過的地方. “就算真的跌落在地上, 恐怕在這種人潮進出的情況下,也都給人拾起來, 然後笑嘻嘻說 ‘地上拾都寶,問天問地問不到’ 這句俗語囉 . . .



ok.長話短說,我找回了我的錢包! 現在想起來,可能當時我雖感覺到失落, 但只因為我還能抱持一種光明的希望,所以到最後仍然能脫離危機.

我不覺得這是甚麼的 "幸好"因如果那時我不心平氣和點的話,相信我就沒辦法想出拯救的行動,而改變結局.就像你在找拍車位,只要能抱住正面思想,得到車位的成功率肯定高很多.理由很簡單,因沒有負面想法導致你專心找位子,肯定容易找出位子啦, 哈哈!這,我比較大聲喊,因本人也嘗試過,也幾許成功過找拍車子的經驗.真的,不防可以自己試試看,喔!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

"出來"社會工作 (九)

我在這兩個月裡, 發呆了..對.




因,或許我看到另個發展創業的機會了.也可以說是轉機,一個希望,更是一個商機, 特別是在這種經濟衰退的時刻(不管你是在講世紀性,或個人性 !!).


很盼望這一方面是好的另一個開始, 也很渴求他能順利的蔓延下去.


Friday, October 24, 2008

He writes horizontally

The night before yesterday, my buddies and me went to a vegetarian restaurant at Tun Sambathan.

We signalled one of the servicing guy there to take order.

He smiled at us as he prepare to jot down our orders. My friend, Sky, who sat facing me realised something then. This person standing besides us was having his little "notebook" being placed on the table. Instead of the normal positioning the paper vertically in front of the person, he parked it horizontally. And with a slight 'cornering' of his right-hand wrist, he started using a pen to write. Amazingly, he was writing the words vertically, from bottom to the top !!

Dun understand what I've juzt said? I managed to get his consent to snap a picture to support my post, as below :

Already got what I meant?
Sky grinned and questioned this guy " Can't you write the words in a normal way?". That dude reluctantly turned the paper to face him vertically. As soon as he tried to drop a word on it, he murmured : "Tak boleh-lah, bosss !!" And then he placed the piece of paper back to the original direction~ yeap, continued to write horizontally.
Not trying to be rude, but all of us again, spontaneously laughed our teeth out of the mouth.
I quickly asked his persmission to snap down a photo for you to witness this incident. Nope, I didn't get any wacking, luckily.
Happy Deepavali!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


前個晚上, 我又夢見我佬豆.

這次比起上幾回不一樣. 以往的情景都是比較模糊的, 這次缺很逼真.

而且, 我這次還面對面和他聊聊天, 表達一些心裡話...但別問我談了些甚麼, 因我都記不清.

這次也與以往不同之處是, 我 ba ba 臉上顯然比起來開朗多了. 夢中的其中一段, 他還握住我的手...

家員當中,我可是夢見 ba ba 次數最多. 咳... 看來, 我仍然懷念 ba ba, 懷舊以前一家人和 ba ba 的生活. 還有, 騙不了自己的真實是, 我明白我還不完全100%的習慣目前的生活變化.

老豆, 你不用擔心我們了, 我們會盡力為我們的生活奮鬥, 一直走下去.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Mother Nature ~ take it for granted !

It was two weeks ago since I last hiked up the hill of Bukit Orang. This was due to my working schedule which was rather tied up.

And, associated with the current raining season, contributed by the Nine Kings Vegetarian festival , or called Jiu Wang Zai which ended two days ago, is celebrated by the Chinese during the first 9 day of the Nineth Month of Lunar Calendar.

Well, you can say it is miraclely accurate to have rainy days every year whenever the festival starts (try asking any of your Chinese acquaintance, they'll tellyou the same answer !).

Somehow, I had a inauspicious feeling as I made my way up the man-made staircases. Traces of some kinda vehicle tyres marked the muddy soil (due to the rain) as I walked through the land.

I said "O.M.G" hopefully it is not what I've foreseen earlier to be take place that soon. And, to my despair, suddenly I realised a piece of machinery being parked nearby the 'entrance' of the hill.

What I expected seems to be coming to a true reality. Very soon, this tiny hill will face its extinction of nature. Yeap, a dwelling development project(I guess) is commencing already.

When I first being explored to this piece of nature-surrounded hill (it was a left-over rubber plantation land, I assumed, having to see lots of rubber trees standing on the hill), there wast already on-going high-end housing developments constructing near the foot of the hill. Having such environmental threat, anybody will beforehand predicts what its destiny going to be.

I don't consider myself as a mother nature enthusiats, but it wouldn't be exaggerated to put myself as being compassion towards its affairs and conditions.

A view from one of the summit, looking ahead is the newly completed Villa Manja double-storey semi-D houses.

Sad to say, such scene as above is a already a common scenario happening for the past 20 years, and of course still carry on day by day, almost everyway in the Klang Valley. People like me, who is 100% KLrian, would definitely feel the proceeding pinch of withnessing the gradual losses of mother nature precious land, with more and more acres of it dissapearing from our scenery, substituting or I would say, sacrificing to the so-called 'necessity' development or non-stop indispendable demand of mankind. . . forgive me, it really arouses my I sentimental feel now. :(

The next thing came into my mind was, very soon, the fate of the habitants of the hill, yaloh~ the bunch of 'mankind ancestors' residing inside the hill, Monkeys, will get to a worse situation.

I can imagine them jumping around the houses of the future occupant when they have no trees to swing around..

A view featuring the extravagant dwelling area,
Desa Parkcity. A cozy supermarket, cafes, and restaurants with a human-made pond
are found in the middle of this housing estate.

The remaining land on this hill stretches about less than half a kilometres of range, will soon vanish as a nature landmark to a fully developed high cost dwelling area. ..

On one of the summit where I usually end by hiking, you can see a long rod stalking near the edge of the hill, with our national flag tied on top of it, fluttering in the air. First instinct tells you that some patriotic human-being has put it up there.

Nonetheless, its give me an impression of something non-related to patrioticism act, but to convey the message of compassionate towards the once rich with plenty of nature environment of a country we used to have. Alas, this is gonna be instead a sarcasm to our next and future generations.. sigh.

Rain again, poured from the greyish sky, I ran for my live.. couldn't carry on with my exersicing anymore. I ran away not because I afraid of the rain, but I worried my mobile phone will flare up a spark of fire and belching out smoke ! Having to say that I recalled that my friend had once experiencing his mobile unit smoked out as he soaked himself in the rain riding the motorcycle !!!

This is the stream look-alike of dashing rain water along
the route when I left the hill this afternoon.

I managed to snapped a the above pic with my handset before leaving. Of course it survived from the heavy pour, otherwise the above pic will not be seen here, hoho.

Friday, October 03, 2008

KL Pavillion ~ 半日遊



我和本地的一位朋友就決定帶這位認識了近20年的佛堂好友到吉隆坡Pavillion廣場shopping. 但,因為沒來過這間剛今年開張的百貨公司,就聽不清楚此廣場的名稱. 她就說的"歪"了些..稱呼的有點像 "parliment" 似的. 我就和她開個玩笑說, 如是parliment 大樓,我就請她自便,我才不到那種地方囉 !!! 她聽了哈哈笑的. 可是呢, 直到到達那地點才能念的對那美觀廣場的名.."哦..原本是Pavillion".

之前,自己也曾去過Pavillion, 但並不好好的去逛一逛, 這次,可選是真正把整棟商店跑個圈..畢竟, 本人不習慣純粹逛街而不作購物...過後,還到附近的LowYatPlaza一趟. 到了晚上,還馬不停蹄的繼續到了Damansara Mutiara 的 Ikea 傢俱點逛逛. 其實, 也很久沒這樣用整天時間做shopping, 應該是window shopping.. 嘻嘻..

呵呵,也好啦, 應該要感謝她的到來找我們這班老友, 也就選是给自己一個機會 "holiday" , 也 "強迫" 自己來放鬆一下, 寬待自己平時很忙的生 !

其實, 就覺得我們(尤其KL老百姓) 太忙碌了, 可要好好愛惜自己. :p

49 (fortnight) DJ Song
