Saturday, June 28, 2008

WWF China - Pandas Series- Antelope, Forest, Water Print (China)

Share with you guys on these pics, fromWWF China.

Quite innovative and the prints are not at all incoherant in conveying the message of what the organisation tried to bring through in their various missions (all this while).

The task was to create a campaign that will change this mindset, the result is the Pandas Series below.

The task was to create a campaign that will change this mindset,
The result is the Pandas Series below.

Over 10 million hectares of forests have been protected through our
forest certification and sustainable forest management programs.

WWF and our partners have facilitated the reconnection of 17 lakes to the
Yangtze River, infusing new life to its fragile freshwater ecosystem.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hardcore Poverty 赤貧

Hardcore Poverty stands for a stage of severe poverty. It means that a person leads a life whithout basic needs such as foods, clean water, cloths, accomodation, hygienic facilities, or even proper education and medical treatment.
World Bank's statement on Hardcore Poverty explains that an individual survives the day by only possessing USD1 in his pocket. Statistically, there is 1.1billion population in the world falls under this catergory.

赤貧(Hardcore Poverty),是指貧窮的最嚴重狀況,即一個人無法取得生存所需的基本需求,這包括食物、水、衣物、住屋、衛生設備、教育及健康醫療。


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

"出來"社會工作 (二)

經過18個月圓月缺的日子後的今天, 憶起當初那鼓勇氣,作出一個極為不同凡響的決定~~除了對自己感到驕傲, 也會冒出一把冷汗 !!

那時, 因工作上的性質及要求讓我感覺到無奈, 漸漸的累積下來無形的壓力, 不單覺得很疲倦, 甚至呢 ,可稱謂產生了無聊的效果 !! 唉….

于是呢, 就開始又用回同一招 ~ 三十六計,跳酬為妙計! 過後, 天天買了分報紙, 在經理, 老板娘啦, 還有各位同事們的面前, 將報紙的Classified Ads 那幾貝翻呀, 翻呀… 就借著這舉動來顯示及暗示本人的下一部策略是搞些甚麼東東…哈哈! 像個小孩在爹娘面前作無聲抗議

可悲的是, 自己其實並無甚麼人生計劃和釐清的願望. 不瞞你而說, 到現在才發覺原來並非不想計劃,而是沒勇氣去計劃 ! 我猜很多人都會有這種顧慮, 是很norm的~若不是, 很可能每個人都會開拓自己的路, 去做自己喜歡的工作, 各個都當上了自己的老板…大概, 我這種講發法會比較自我吧, 嘻, 但可能這樣子世界才會安然無恙, 要不然, 世上會出現缺乏職員人的問題, 哈!

以上是純屬各人的見解, 如有干擾任何人的情緒而得罪了, 請多多包涵.

又待續, ~~

Friday, June 20, 2008

"出來"社會工作 (一)

我離開打工的日子已有一年半了, 所以這個帖子的頭兩個字稱為 "出來"社會工作,哈哈!

心血來潮,就覺的應該給自己做個心聲報導吧 ! 現在已是凌晨1:40了, 但可惡的就是在這種時候特別感性, 所以從床上趕緊爬上來記載一般囉.

回想起,可算是一時的衝動也好,時機成熟也罷了..但怎樣都好,終究是已算是我這一生的大革命呀!咳..講起來,會有帶著一些些的感嘆,俗話說..活了半輩子 (應該不會是消極的說法啦,所謂"人身七十古來稀"嘛,哈哈!),才來個人生目標的轉變.

如果有讀到之前我在這各人部落格寫過名為 "三年"的英語小帖子就曉得我阿爸大人的突然逝世有feel到那其實有如我的人生第一次的轉捩點.




Tuesday, June 17, 2008





Limited Liability Partnership ~ 有限責任合夥


大馬公司委員會預計,可在明年推介有限責任合夥的經營型態。(吉隆坡17日訊)大馬公司委員會(SSM)預計,可在明年正式推介名為“有限責任合夥”(Limited Liability Partnership)的全新營業型態。

大馬公司委員會企業發展和政策總監阿茲拉英博漢指出,我國目前共有3種營業型態,分別為公司(companies)、獨資經營(sole proprietorship)及合夥(partnership)。





Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Movie and Life.........La Vita é Bella

Sad or unhappy ending movie was one of my favourite type in the past!

But of course, sad movie not necessarily ends up unhappy, rite? smile lahh.. be positive.

One day, if someone would request you to watch a sad movie, what will be your ending? Will it be :

a) You will say 'oh great, i'm looking for someone to go with me!

b) You will say 'oh, i heard it's award winning film, i guess we will enjoy watching it'..ehm, but there's another movie showing now. It's acted by famous stars, and it's fully action-packed'

c) You will say 'please.. its not my taste! forget it' and you walk away (unless your mum or girlfriend insist, haha, i guess you'll pretend there's an incoming call and ended up to say 'sorry, tonite i have an appointment! maybe next time, dear". You've saved yourself.

People who knows me well acknowledge i'm a rather cloudy-like kind of guy. I remember everytime i finishes watching sad movie with sad ending story (you might ask what about sad movie with happy ending...well, except for those old good P.Ramlee movies, you would not accept a sad movie with good ending! no opmhhhh mah), you'll see a (intangible) cloud parking on top of my head.

Even worse, for a couple of days, i will be pretty emotional. Oh yeah, i guess tat's make me a very grumpy boy at that time. You can say that again! That has most probably built up the future characteristic in me.

Well, one single word. Negative effect by these sad movie. They are only fake stories, i understand but the impact were there.

And the worst of all, i'm trained to have a preception of a gloomy-filled world i am living in.

In the present, i don't really like such movies anymore. Even if i do, irregardless of whether happy or sad movie, i will able to accept to a sad ending. Of course i have the choice of not watching it, but i guess that's something to do with our age matching with our life encounters...(ok, ok, i know utter the word 'old' lor).

You start to ask why? Oh, to shorten up the explanation. In this millenium era, people tends to think openly and positively. No choice, you have to face with many unforseens happening. Hence, the Chinese always say : Eat anything you like, do whatever you can... whenever you can as well. Since we have choice, like me, you wouldn't want to watch sad movies. The outside world is stressful enough..why should i make myself so pitiful again by watching these tearful stories.

Well, reality is the word. Again, the dragon descendent says "Live is like a stage" (for sketches, not the one your headmaster present his/her speech in front of students).

And of no doubt, your mindset is the ultimate solution. You can bring along the depression feelings after you left the cinema or you can still put through such ending, BUT yet immediately envisage a better tomorrow. Hah! This uis what i call real positive thinking.

Try watching movie called Life is Beautiful ("La Vita e bella") - oops, not trying to do a movie intro though - 1997 Italian language film which tells the story of a Jewish Italian, Guido Orefice (played by Roberto Benigni, who also directed and co-wrote the film), who must learn how to use his fertile imagination to help his son survive their internment in a Nazi concentration camp.

Well, after watching it, i bet (and cross my heart) you will really gonna cherish your life, your family, your frens matter how terrible you thought your life would be. Nope, it ain't sending demoralising message to you either.

Pray, put a hope, do charity, preach for peace, just anyting. But I guess accepting the reality and envisage for better tomorrow is in fact, the remedy to the unpredictable life.

~~~ the end ~~~

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Euro 2008 kicks off with a bang ~ Malaysia

THE EURO 2008 finals came alive at the Genting International Showroom hours before the opening match between Switzerland and the Czech Republic kicked off at midnight on Saturday- June 6, 2008.

Musical performances led by rock queen Ella entertained the crowd at the viewing party organised by Carlsberg, the official beer for the tournament.

Some 500 peoplewere kept kept entertained for two hours before kick-off.

Big screen action: Fans watching the match during the viewing party.

Besides Ella, the Carlsberg golden cheerleaders, who made two appearances during the show, were a big hit with the football fans.

The Genting magical dancers also added spice to the night with their lively and colourful performance.

During the three-hour programme, prizes were also given out to the winners of the Carlsberg-Malaysian Association of Futsal Challenge.

The team from Italy won the tournament, which had 14 teams and was organised with the European Union-Malaysia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (EUMCCI).

Lim Jit Hiang, who won a trip to Anfield to watch a Liverpool match once the new English Premier League season starts, also received his prize at the event.

Rocking the house: Ella thrilling the guests with her vocal talents.

Before the event and as build up to the Euro 2008, Carlsberg had also organised the Carlsberg Man of the Match contest under which four people won tickets for two to watch the quarterfinals.

Lam Wai Loong was picked among the four winners to give away the Carlsberg man of the match trophy at one of the quarterfinal matches.

Several foreign dignitaries, including Swiss embassy deputy head of mission Christien Winter and Austrian ambassador Donatus Koeck were present along with Carlsberg’s manager director Soren Jensen and Genting chief operating officer Thuy Trinh were also present.

A Touch above the rest - HTC Touch Diamond

HTC has unveiled its new flagship smartphone, the Touch Diamond.

Featuring stunning aesthetics such as a black steel finish and a unique shaped back, the compact smartphone is sure to be a hit with the fashion conscious.

Targeted mainly at mobile Internet users, the Diamond’s main draw is its fast HSDPA 7.2Mbps (megabits per second) wireless connection speed which is supposed to deliver an improved web browsing experience.

The Diamond has a customised web browser (based on Opera) that allows users to zoom and pan, which makes it easier to view and navigate websites.

Also, turning the device sideways automatically rotates the page view from portrait to landscape. In addition to web browsing, the Diamond includes a YouTube application that can be used to watch or upload video content to the popular videosharing site.

The Diamond also features a touch-responsive user interface called TouchFlo 3D that replaces the standard Windows Mobile Today screen and gives users easy access to their contacts, music, video, photos and weather forecast.

Also, the interface has more visual-based interactions to help you manage text messages, album artwork, video stills and snapshots of contacts in your address book.

Plus, the smartphone also comes with an integrated GPS to help guide you to your destination.

Other features include a 2.8in LCD with VGA (640 x 480pixels) resolution, 802.11b/g WiFi connectivity, 3.2-megapixel autofocus camera and 4GB of internal storage.

The Diamond will be available next month at a suggested retail price of RM2,799.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

(Episode 7) 他, 偷了我的心..



除了以上四點,我也查覺到自己會開始對其他人的來訊,不管是sms或msn也好,我會一律感到厭惡 ! 

"哈!電話有短訊進來...可惡 !不是他 (心裡就會嘆氣 :真希望是他現在就給我聯絡,咳...)


漸漸的,我像一個不顧人家方便一直主動sms給人家!太不要臉了,自己也覺得很放肆 !!


漸漸的,我的sms,msm 他並不像已往那般的速效會答我..到這,我明白的為什麼男人怕死纏的女人!!



~~the end~~

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Can I have answers to these questions, Father

1) You have sent us here to this earthy world, but why do we need the world? Heaven is great enough...

2) You may say, coz' the world is a place to train your quality. But, i already have the best quality when were at Heaven, Earth is defenitely deteriotes our quality, Father... its too colourful

3) You may say, coz i want you to be the best of the best. But then, the Earth is too detressful. i can't handle both quality and my desire at the same time. i wanted, though, but i doubt, and really doubt i can make it till the end...

4) You may say, then you couldn't follow the route to Heaven again. Oh Father, but we were so clear of the road to Heaven. Yet, Earth makes us forget it, forever ! Why can't we stay in Heaven and never come to Earth?? At least we never step to the route to Earth and forget coming back to Heaven.

5) Desire is bad. i remember that, Father. But i were never had had such thing in Heaven, why can't i just remain staying in Heaven from the beginning? At least i wouldn't be contaminated then? i was so pure in Heaven...

6) No because the Earth is there... it's the Truth that couldn't be ignored. You have to rule the world. Father, i was no experience in ruling such a beautiful but yet, depressing Earth.. i'm so sad now. It would be much easier if i would be in Heaven to manage myself, because i was so naive and pure...

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

read this ....虛擬世界網友 ~~ 獻出真心

從 2008 年 5月19日起 ,連續3天,中國互聯網上出現引人注目統一行動 : 黑白色成為所有網貝的統一色,各大網站把地震發生的時刻表放在標題位置.

迄今為止,中國互聯網和網民每一分鍾都在守望中國西南那塊遭遇大第地震災難的土地,一 "網"情深,不離不棄,以愛守候...

"網絡用網絡的方式哀悼!"5月19日到21日為全國愛哀悼日的消息傳出後,網友 "風雷"在自己的部落格上這樣呼呼: "願逝者安息!願生者堅強!"在 "風雷"寫下這句話的同時,從主流網站到游戲平台,從論壇到帖吧,成千上萬的網民以自己的方式在虛擬的世界 (你們可別被此形容詞惹火了,哈哈)裡進行悼念.



據不完全統計,在地震發生後的短短四五個小時內,各網絡搜索引擎有關 "汶川"的查詢量就在3千萬條一上.而隨著第一批有關震區情況消息在網絡上被傳載,網民立即 "蜂擁而上"點擊閱讀,12日下午,新華網有關震災區現場動態新聞一經發布,一分鍾內就被點擊近千次


地震中,許多母親為了孩子而犧牲自我,偉大母愛感天動地.網友 "文燭"的一首 "孩子,來身我們一起走"在網上廣為流傳── "孩子快抓緊媽媽的手/去天堂的路太黑了/媽媽怕你碰了頭/快抓緊媽媽的手/讓媽媽陪你走"


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

(Episode 6) 他, 偷了我的心..

一但有上網,我多麼的渴求他會在網絡的另一方啟動跟我聊天 !!

電腦屏幕上顯示燈及鈴聲在閃亮發動, 代表有來訊了!

"hui...... "

是他! 是他 msn 我! 我是無比的歡喜看到 我們一般的方言式對話開始了. 再來, 他的每次發給我的sms 都會帶來相同的幸福效果, 我的媽咪呀!!!!

"hey! 是你呀.. 怎樣ah? 你在作甚麼叻"

這可是解除了我心裡深處的思念唷... 想必, 很自然的,我開始在心裡面倒數著他回來 SG 城的日期.. 大概,這就所謂的 '藕斷絲連', 只可惜是單方面的...

~~~~~我身體裡的主宰靈魂開始撥出警告訊號.., 非樂觀的念頭浮現再我腦海裡.

人家說, 如果有一天你發覺了以下的狀況出現在你生活裡,那你真正的愛上某個人 :

1. 當你正在忙時,卻把手機開著,等著她/他的短信.--.你已經愛上她/他了。
2. 當她/他和別人要好時,你會感到吃不知其味.--.你已經愛上她了。
3. 當你看到她/他那甜美的笑時,你的嘴角會揚起一絲得意的笑.--.你已經愛上 她/他了。
4. 當你看到這篇文章時,心裡想到某個人。



Sunday, June 01, 2008

Teens well schooled in sex

FOR only RM5, an adolescent gets to experience sex with his schoolmates. This was the shocking revelation recorded by counsellors who organised a youth camp for problematic secondary school students in Selangor recently.

In a front-page report in Metro Ahad, a 14-year-old student known as “Andy” admitted to paying RM5 “for a round of sex” with a senior at school, adding they would either “do it” at his or her home.

He said both parents were unaware of the activities as they thought the two were studying together and confessed that sometimes, one of his friends would join them for a “threesome”.
“If I need sex, I only have to call or send her an SMS for an appointment.

“It all started when I began watching pornographic clips with my friend two years ago. Since then, my desire for sex grew and when I knew that this girl in school did not mind doing it for a fee, I decided to try it with her,” he said.

Camp organising committee secretary Mahezan Baharom said the counsellors were shocked with how “frank and candid” the students were about their sexual activities although they were aware that they should not be having sex at their age.

Mahezan said apart from sex, the participants – aged between 13 and 15 – admitted to masturbating in a group, having multiple sex partners, consuming alcohol, glue sniffing, theft and smoking.

“Students who are involved in social ills or misfits do not only come from poor families. We have participants whose parents are well to do, VIPs and those whose mothers and fathers are religious people,” he said.
Reported in The StarOnline Mon June2, 2008

(Episode 5) 他, 偷了我的心..

"...下個禮拜,我會到 B 州一趟.. 女友生日! 我會跟她慶祝..."

"很好啊呀! 這樣喔..去多久?"


"8 天吧.."

"i see... 哈哈! 到時,我們可以空中見面,好嗎?


他乘機飛過去了. 那幾天, 我變成了戲劇裡的女主角般的~日夜的盼望著有他的短訊降臨.


49 (fortnight) DJ Song
