Thursday, June 26, 2008

Hardcore Poverty 赤貧

Hardcore Poverty stands for a stage of severe poverty. It means that a person leads a life whithout basic needs such as foods, clean water, cloths, accomodation, hygienic facilities, or even proper education and medical treatment.
World Bank's statement on Hardcore Poverty explains that an individual survives the day by only possessing USD1 in his pocket. Statistically, there is 1.1billion population in the world falls under this catergory.

赤貧(Hardcore Poverty),是指貧窮的最嚴重狀況,即一個人無法取得生存所需的基本需求,這包括食物、水、衣物、住屋、衛生設備、教育及健康醫療。


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