Thursday, December 31, 2009

Proton Arena in Taiwan

Okay, my blog's gonna spread with web..oops, spiderweb liao.

A quick post here, just before we say bye bye to 2009!

Just got some photos on our dearly Proton vehicles, being "reformed" or rather transformed to impreza-engined( I don't recognize what is that, to be frank) motorcar!

K K K ! I'm not a fanzee of automobile, but so what.

But, since its something to do with our national car, I reckon its something worth mentioning it (though this is nothing breaking news anymore~ you knew this if you updates yourself through mags from aboards).

vtec b18c engine

Impreza engine

18' 5hole rim

masterpieces in display ~ Reform-In-Taiwan Proton Arena

Not to forget, HAAAAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Welcome Year 2010 .

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

凡人。。烦恼 (故事 :黑白老鼠 )





但是老虎緊追不捨, 他一直跑一直跑一直跑,
最後被老虎逼入了斷崖邊上。 站在懸崖邊上,他想:

他縱身跳入懸崖, 非常幸運的卡在一棵樹上,
那是長在斷崖邊的梅樹, 樹上結滿了梅子。

正在慶幸的時候, 他聽到斷崖深處傳來巨大的吼聲,
獅子的聲音使他心顫, 但轉念一想:


當他一放下心, 又聽見了一陣聲音,
正用力地咬著梅樹的樹幹。 他先是一陣驚慌,

情緒平復下來後, 他感到肚子有點餓,
看到梅子長得正好, 就採了一些吃起來。
找到一個三角形樹丫休息, 他想著:

他在樹上沉沉的睡去了。 睡醒之後,
他發現黑白老鼠不見了, 老虎、獅子也不見了。
他順著樹枝, 小心翼翼的攀上懸崖, 終於脫離險境。

原來就在他睡著的時候, 飢餓的老虎按捺不住,
終於大吼一聲, 跳下懸崖。 黑白老鼠聽到老虎的吼聲,

死亡,就像一頭兇猛的獅子, 一直在懸崖的盡頭等待,

就是安然地享受樹上甜美的果子, 然後安心地睡覺,


如果剛才你和另一半或是和家人為了芝麻綠豆的事鬧翻了,現在頭頂還在生煙的話,請你看看那晴朗的天空和那飄渺的白雲,其實你又錯過了美好的一天呀 !

Monday, November 23, 2009

China should stop property stimulus now

BEIJING: China should immediately halt some of its real estate stimulus policies, or risk inflating a bubble that in its bursting would wreak financial and even social trouble, a central bank newspaper said yesterday.

Debate is heating up in China about whether and how to wind down loose monetary policy and heavy spending, with officials voicing worries about asset price rises but also fearful that the broader economic recovery remains fragile.An opinion piece in the Financial News, a newspaper published by the central bank, said rampant speculation in the country's property market was akin to a time bomb that could threaten future growth.

"If China does not exit its stimulus policy... property prices and the market may go out of control," it said.

Shanghai - Regency Park, Mainland China

China's housing prices have been rising since March propelled by a slew of government measures, from lower downpayments and mortgage rates to tax cuts.

Rising prices have encouraged developers to break ground on new projects, with real estate investment up an annual 18.9 per cent in the first 10 months of the year, compared with a mere 1 per cent rise in the first two months.

Nov24, 2009. - Reuters

Sunday, November 15, 2009

倪安東‧The Blower's Daughter

Wow wow wow . . .

Look at that, despite of the fact that he's from the States, but, really ichiban!!


p/s : Originated from Irish signer/songwriter Damien Rice, theme song from the movie Closer. This is a slide from a PK (kick-out) session in the 5th season of a popular Taiwanese singing competition. Many compliments him, and of course some commented as well, but personally, i felt he controlled the song pretty good, with great participating spirit. Impressive.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Latest TVB series in Hong Kong ..Altantuya?

In my previous entry, we acknowledged that Altantuya's name appears as one of the characters in Cambridge Dictionary. Ehm, don't ask me was that true or not, purchase one and check it out for me, waud ya?

The latest breaking news is the tragic will be shot as a TV series ..

aiya, sorry lah, i malas to translate what's written in the above all pandai pandai belajar Mandarin loh, i can provide tuition though, RM45 per hour , hee...

Ideally and logically, if that becomes a reality, highest audience rates will definitely come from Malaysian.
Anyway, if Hong Kong's broadcast company does really make it a reality to film this as a TV series. I'm sure rated highest of audience wouldn't been Malaysian anymore.

Coz' for sure the series will by all mean, being
banned mah..

Monday, November 02, 2009

Forced to become old

I'm sitting in Starbuck Cafe now, up on the hill of Genting Highlands.

Me and a younger friend, and my elderly temple member went up to Genting Highland this morning. We took the bus from 1-Utama station. All the seats are taken up, suprisingly, on this Monday morning. Almost 95% are Chinese uncles and an-tiees.

The driver put up a CD, with numerous 80's canton classics (they were my secondary school period titles-lah), all made popular by singers such as Samuel Hui, Wong Meng-Chuen, Chan Pak-Keung etc etc... sung out by unknown artistes a.k.a. to the ori singers though, with higher tempo compared to the original titles.

My friends commented to me, rather loudly from his seat, over the pathway, pointing to the speakers : "You can't afford to be old now" !!


p/s : tsf, hi bro, have you been to GH lately, still trying your luck up there??

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Rush to beat property gains tax deadline has reported an unusually high number of new listings after the 2010 Budget announcement as well as a high number of price cuts for properties on sale

The reintroduction of a real property gains tax (RPGT) from January 1 next year appears to have triggered a rush to sell properties but agents said it will be very tough to beat the deadline., a website that lets people advertise their properties for free, said it has seen an unusually high number of new listings after the 2010 Budget announcement.

There have also been a high number of price cuts for existing properties that are on sale. However, it did not provide detailed numbers.

Last Friday, Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said the RPGT will return next year at 5 per cent after it was scrapped in 2007.

But agents think it is just a knee-jerk reaction. Property consultant Sharizal Supian said a property deal takes between three and six months to complete, which means it will be very hard to beat the January 1 deadline.

The RPGT has not been well-received as many think it would halt the growth of the property market. chief executive officer Asim Qureshi believes the re-introduction of the tax has been a year or two too soon.

"We need some of the feel good factor to gain momentum and this tax can only slow down that momentum.

"Furthermore, I believe that having a tax exemption for property owned for a certain number of years would be better as the tax would target property speculators," he said in a statement.

Asim said Malaysia is increasingly seen as an international property hot spot and the RPGT will somewhat undermine that view.

However, he thinks that at 5 per cent, the reintroduction has been gentle and it may not significantly disrupt the market.

"In terms of opportunity, it will be a good time to buy in the secondary market from now until year-end which is where the tax will have its most direct impact," he said.

Emkay Group chief oper ating officer Peter Teh has a different take. He thinks that any sudden surge in sales in the next few months would be mainly due to a recovering property market.

He said the tax will not deter serious home buyers. "They are also not really buying now but over a few years and they will not fell the pinch as it will pass through in the next coming years."

Property stocks took a beating yesterday as the property tax was "a negative surprise" to investors, analysts said.

IJM Land Bhd, the country's fifth biggest property developer, fell 2 per cent to RM2.44, while Sunrise Bhd slid 4.6 per cent to RM2.28. Eastern & Oriental Bhd shed 6.5 per cent to RM1.15.

p/s : Haven't the government recall what was the actual reason when they relieve the real estate gain tax in 2007...

Saturday, September 26, 2009

후렌치 후라이 ! Korean McDonald Ads

Another aboard commercial ads, this round from Korea.

Personally, I think they've brought in an innovative yet relaxing ads. Look at that big guy's reaction when he realised all the fries were gone.

"Don't be risky your life".... wrong grammar though. :p

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Marshmallow Test ~by Walter Mischel , Stanford University

Check it out. Watch for your self - Will you be overcome by Temptation or Greed?

Tell you what, the answer is Naivety conquers both of them, i guess.

See scene 3:06

Friday, September 18, 2009

LDP - Sucking traffic jam these few nites

Damn jam along LDP these few nites.

How would you feel if you to and fro crossing two toll and yet stuck in the unnecessary long queue?? Paid LDP toll RM6.40 + petrol RM8 + Sprint Highway toll (coz I divert my route at SS2/Damansara to Federal Highway before entering back to LDP in order to avoid the insanity traffic towards Puchong) RM1.60. Total = RM16 per nite, and yet stuck in bad jam and heavy ran.

On the way back, passed by 1-U, the termometer banner showed temperature at 20'C !!! That's really a scarce scenario, especially in Klang Valley.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

15Malaysia~One Future

Out of all the stories, somehow this particular one seems to resembling the melancholy felt by each and every Malaysian, in fact many souls in this modern world...Bravo to Tan Chui Mui.
. . . . .
. . . . .
. . . . .
obssesion word : "...there's something wrong with the system..."

Sunday, August 30, 2009

My Bahasa Malaysia story, the only one.

This, it was published in my school mag in my Form Four.

To many, I guess it would be something subtle enough to be mentioned, but I must admit to myself, how proud and touching it made me feel, when I noticed it being published as one the few articles, that year. Looking back, you (and myself) can be assured to be almost impossible to be handed out by my present self even if I would to squeeze completely dry out all of my brain juice.

So, I decided to preserve (by all mean not for purpose of showing off) this one & only Bahasa Malaysia language story.

Title : Mak, Ku Pohon Ampun

Aku masih ingat, wajah kedutan seorang perempuan tua yang telah ditelan masa hampir setengah abad. Sesungguhnya, segala-gala berlaku terlalu pantas, amatku tidak sangkakan seumur hidup. Memang sukar bagiku untuk menantap orang tua ini dengan secebis senyuman keriangan.

Segala takdir, kukira. Mak, aku ingin nafikan kerana semua ini terlalu membebankan buatmu, seorang insan uzur. Ku sepatuhnya tidak wujud dalam hidupmu.

Yangku tahu, aku dilahirkan ke dunia palsu ini sebagai anak yang serba kekurangan. Ini cukup membawa penderitaan tambahan bagimu. Aku tahu, manusia siapa yang tidak mengharapkan kemewahan dan kesempurnaan hidup yang bererti. Namun kau tak pernah runtuh dalam perjalanan pahit ini.

Sesungguhnya, kau kuanggap paling tabah dan tegap pendirianmu. Tapi maafkan aku, mak. Aku tak pernah menghargainya, aku tak pandai menyanjungi akan sikap dan nilai-nilaimu yang tinggi ini. Aku tak mengerti sewaktu itu. Aku budak biadap. Aku tidak fahamkan erti hidup ini.

Apa yang sepatut dilakukan, kutidak endahkan. Tegasku umpama keldai malas lagi degil yang hanya tahu makan dan tidur. Aku tidak mengerti, mak, aku tidak mengerti apakah gelora hidup ini yang merusuk dan memusnahkan identiti-identiti perangaiku yang sebenarnya. Maafkanku. Nafsu yang menguasai kehendakku pada hal tuhan tidak mengizinkannya. Aku tidak puas melihat kehidupan senang-lenang orang lain. Aku tidak mengira ia adalah keuntungan bagiku, tapi kemiskinan ini sekurang-kurangnya tidak payahku pertanggungjawabkan! Kaulah yang patuh kutuduhkan segala-galanya?

Hidupku boleh dikira tidak kompleks; dari kecil, ku hanya tahu bangun untuk berhadapan dengan hari-hari baru yang sia-sia. Tidakku risaukan apa yang perlu diisi perut, tidakku bimbangkan berapa butirkah beras yang masih berhuni di dalam tempayan di dapur burukmu. Sebaliknya, kau hanya leka dengan dua belah tangan lesumu demi untuk menyambung nafas kami dua beranak.

Sang suria yang gagah masih belum ingin menjenguh di garis ufuk timur, tapi kau telah melawat ke dapur mengerjakan masakan dan makanan untuk jualan pagi nanti. Aku patut membantu my tapi sebaliknya aku berat badan.

"Macam aku ni mengerah kau pula!". Kau hanya mengeluh tapi aku tetap merungut.

Oh! Memang tidak benar bagi aku untuk menyalahimu, mak. Semenjak ayah pergi menyahut panggilan Ilahi, kaulah yang terpaksa menanggung pikunya. Aku hanya sekadar berumur empat tahun ketika itu tapi aku masih kenangkan linangan air matamu yang menemani pemergian ayah. Entah mengapa ayah boleh menerima maut, aku tidak tahu. Kau terlalu sedih untuk memberitahuku. Hakikat ini sama sekali mengubah sikapmu selaku ibu yang periang dan penyayang kepada seorang yang pendiam dan tegas. Sekai-sekala, senyap-senyap aku melihat mu terduduk di dalam bayangan senja di suatu sudut sambil mata sayu mu merenung kosong ke arah bola mentari yang separuh tenggelam di bawah lautan biru.

Kau tekadkan hati yang telah rekah ditampar gelombang sedih yang kuat. Sekali apapun, kau tetap meneruskan perjalanan ini, mangharungi segala rintangan yang mungkin ada. Dari siang, kau memunggut mata pencarian dengan mencuci pakaian dari sebuah desa yang berdekatan. Selesainya, kau pula menghabiskan jahitan baju seluar orang lain yang sudi. Ada sahaja masa terluang, kau akan beredar kepada kerja-kerja kraftangan secara kecil-kecilan untuk menambahkan pendapatan.

Tibanya waktu persekolahanku sememangnya menggandakan lagi beban bagimu. Kau terpaksa bekerja kuat untuk menampung perbelanjaan tambahan ini.

"Nak, harap kau belajar bersungguh-sungguh, ya. Jadilah budak baik di sekolah, masa cikgu ajar, dengarlah dengan teliti. Jangan sekali-kali bergaduh dengan kawan-kawan. Kalau pandai, boleh naik sampai ke U, tau?"

Kau tetap tak lupa untuk menyematkan nasihat-nasihat dan pedoman ke dalam ingatanku walau sibuk sehari untuk bersama tugas-tugasmu. Itu sememangnya impianmu yang teragung sekali. Tapi sebaliknya, aku hanya pandang enteng terhadap pelajaranku. Aku menghampakan segala usaha mu dan menyelubungi cahaya penerang dengan sewenang-wenangnya. Malah, aku selalu menimbulkan berbagai masalah disiplin di dalam dan di luar sekolah. Aku mengabaikan tanggungjawabku sebagai seorang murid mahupun seorang anak yang menghormati pengorbanan orang tuanya. Oh! Mak, ku ingin pohon ampun dari mu. Sesungguhnya, ia amat melukakan kalbumu. Ia amat menggigit tangkai jiwaku apabila mengenangkannya.

Kini, aku telah faham keseluruhannya. Lantas, ini telah membangkitkan perasaanku untuk menggunakan segala daya, tenaga dan ikhtiarku untuk mencapai hala ke mercu kejayaan ini. Malangnya, kau tidak berpeluang untuk melihat sendiri hasil terakhir yang gigih ini. Kau telah meninggalkan aku terlebih dahulu buat selama-lamanya. Andainya kau masih sempat menunggunya, kau pasti senyum kebanggaan bercampur kegembiraan yang tidak terhingga untuk melihat aku berpakaian akademik sambil tercegat menyeringai bersama segulung ijazah terhormat di dalam genggamanku.


10 more minutes from this moment, counting down towards our 52th National Days.

Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan Malaysia.

p/s : If you ask me to reuse some of the phrases or vocabularies now, I would not be able to work out the same sentences anymore.

Friday, August 28, 2009

I flipped thru my school magazine...

There was a Condolence ads in today's newspapers, a two full-page ads.

I read it in The Star this morning. The photo of the deceased somehow looked familiar to me, but I didn't try recalling why she looked like someone I know before. Her name was Michelle Txx xxx xxx.

1 hour ago, tonite, I saw two emails from my friends, whom were also my secondary school's school/class mates. Both emails having the same heading that read as "Michelle Tan xxx xxx passed away ...". I was shocked, never expected that, 20years ago, she was our schoolmates. I called up one of the email sender. After chatting on the phone for few minutes, I could only remembered a few names, but not Michelle.

After pressing off my cellphone, I led to the cabinet, searching for my school mag. I flipped thru and started looking for the photo of my class, and also the other same-year classes but yet couldn't figure out her whereabout. Finally, I located one of the pages where her name appeared, with a photo. Fuuu.... I still couldn't figure out which is her. Nvm....

Time elapsed, so do people. RIP, Michelle, may you'll be with the Almighty.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Mainland China Xi'an~ Much "Butter" Way to beat burglars 涂牛油防竊賊

Many residential property managers in northern China faced a problem of having all their surveillance cameras broken by burglars.

"About 1,200 of the 2,000 units are rented out, resulting difficulties to determine who actually lives there and 'some bad guys' may sneak in" says a manager from Mingdemen estate in the city of Xi'an.

The "butter" and much cheaper solution instead of repairing the surveillance system is to smear 100kg of butter on the gas pipelines that run outside the buildings (the culprits often use these pipelines as their 'ladders' to climb into the dwellings), making them too slippery to climb, Xinhua news agency said yesterday.

Economic downturn seems to create a innovative way to prevent thieves! So, I know what to do with the expired butter in my fridge. Cheers!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

"出來"社會工作 (十五) _Know what you want in life?


Hmm... 感覺到有少許無助呀,這是我心裡的話. 因接近三年的春秋了,仍然沒甚麼進展的.

剛翻開八月份Personal Money閱讀,讀了最後第二頁的"a word from the wise"題目的一篇本月的論文 "Know what you want in life" 由一位理財兼商業顧問所發表的稿, 其中內容有說道這麼一段 :

"I have asked many people , be they businessmen or wage earners, why they work so hard. More often than not, the answer was "to make more money". But there are always sacrifices that need to be made for every extra dollar that one earns. More importantly, do they know what they want in life? Does earning more money help them achieve what they want in life?"

然後最後的幾句就寫著 "Money, career, family, friendship and others. What takes precedence?" 呵! 最最後還題了個問題 : "Do you have an answer?"

我讀後覺得很諷刺, 涕笑不可, 卻不得不認同這句話的準確性.

難到不是這樣嗎? 相信很多人被問到底懂得人生要的是何物是, 不也就會回答 "我要更好的生活,我要身邊的人也快快樂樂", 當然這裡指的是有"足夠"的錢的快樂....所以不管你怎樣回答都會離不開說要work hard, 或work harder !!!

所以, 上面的 "Does earning more money help them achieve what they want in life?" 我特別highlight, 讓你也讓自己重新思考一搬.

祝我們, 能達成人生真正的愉快和自各的目標.

(Sorry guys, I felt too lazy to translate this entry with an English version).

p/s有否想過 60's & 70's 的人比現代人快樂極了,雖沒現在那麼好環境,那麼有錢.....不相信問你daddy mummy 證明一下看看..我也是猜猜的啦 :(

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Part II~ Like Thais ? Love Thailand TV Commercial Ads as well

Not impressed by what I've said in my previous entry on Thailand TV Ads?

Now watch this one. You may see such plotting being screened, most probably 50 more years from now.

Suitable for Non-Thai Spoken audiance, no worry.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Deepest Sadness out of all Yasmin Ahmad's ads

Out of all the ads that we have from Yasmin Ahmad, I feel very very sorry, almost wanted to jump into the screen and console dear little character, Thiam Fook.

Thiam Fook's helpless expressions while waiting at the bus stop, and the hug of sorrowness towards the Kakak from Orphan Homes, it really touches straight to your soul...

Personally, I reckon Yasmin's departure made all that knows her, understanding the meaning of the word called 'LOSS'.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Like Thais? Love Thailand TV Commercial Ads as well!

I was not having a good feeling towards the Thais, to be honest.
That was before 1991..
And that was the year where I first landed my legs on the land of Siam.
Since then, it has given me a feel of simplicity, tenderness and kind-hearted, found in within the customes, beliefs and rituals of the people there.
Then, I watched their TV program. And I saw their TV commercial ads. I was amazed and felt heppy for them, on how hilarious and entertaining were those ads. Much better than what we had in Malaysia, well, in those days I mean.
Believe me, they were entertaining, and able to bring across the ideal and message what those corporates want the audiance to get.
The following is another one, shouldn't been released long ago, in 2008, if I'm correct.
Watch it. The music effect was fantastic, the story-line was virtue, not too realistic, though (aiya, only then people can day-dream a bit-lah). Take note on the part where the young girl tune out her melody on the stage, wow, it made my pores around my body 'unclog' in a sudden (if you know what I meant)..rejuvenating loh.
lahdi sahwat

Monday, July 13, 2009

Big Houses Owner Different Life Path

In just within a week's time, two more properties added up into my list.

And, they are both worth more than half a million ringgit. . . .

One is at Seri Kembangan, Taman Bukit Serdang.

And this unit is at Jalan Ipoh, near a scenic pond view.

I was excited of course excited, but in my mind, I was even more anxious, pondering what would be the better way to promote them out, and eventually close the deal, hoho. In front of you, I'm transparent about my desire, hah!

I'm new, wondering am I auspicious enough to yield such handsome remuneration.

You know, people tend to be curious when the owner wanna to sell such big premise, since they used lot of money to purchase it initially. Ya know what, the former owner is migrating, so it is a good reason to promote this house to my prospect buyer. I felt happy for this family, but I would even more merrier if I could close the deal !!!

The latter is belonging to a owner who is confronted with financial calamity. I feel a bit sorry for them. After collecting the informations that I required for me to put it up in the website, I chatted with them, snapped some pics in and out the house. Before I left, I told the lady owner that I reckon she is heavy-hearted to sell it off, and not to mention that I could sensed the sorrowfulness within them to stay in a more-humble dwelling premise in later part of they life.

Hmm, two different background, different houses, simaliar luxuriousity, but with vary ending.

That's life.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Nice person acquints with Nice person

Most of the people i met seems to be nice people.
And in return, i guess people always feel I'm having a nice personality as well.
Sounds bragging, but its true.
Someone, a lady, that literally not known to me, ok, to be exact, only communicated on the phone, will ends up referred a client to me. We (me and this lady) spoke only once on the line, and the rest are all via sms. She just trusted me, and of course, requesting for some pay to this reference she made to me. I had thanked her for her trust on me, and she didn't even request a specific % of the fees from me, at all.
A while ago, I told her(again via sms) that I managed to make an appointment with the client on tomorrow. She replied me to point out that I had sounded nice (based on my text writing and the way I speak), and with such compliments, she even reviewed to pray hard for this deal to be closed, and provided me with some suggestion and advices on how to handle this client (which happened to be an expatriate)...
Hmm... I could have felt a bit hesitated, but I guess I shouldn't be thinking too much, or even react pessimistic at all..
Be generous to myself. Take this blessing from God, would you, MrCasey?

Monday, June 29, 2009

Chicken a la Carte

Thought of sharing the following clip with you after I've just opened up an email, which was sent quite sometime from today.

Produced in 2005, directed by Ferdinand Dimadura. This film is about the hunger and poverty brought about by Globalization.
Viewed as at todate : 8574947

I have few more few-day-expired slices of wholemeal bread in plastic bag, hanging on my dining room. Yet to be fungus-infected, instead of dumping off, I guess I need to spread them with margerine and help myself with them as tomorrow's breakfast :P

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Obama, Malaysian PM discuss NKorea in phone call

US President Barack Obama spoke by telephone with Malaysia's Prime Minister Najib Razakon Friday, and discussed proliferation, North Korea and financial regulation, the White House said.

"They discussed the ongoing global economic crisis, and stressed the importance of growth and sound regulatory systems in both their economies," the White House said in a statement.

"The president described US concerns over proliferation and discussed North Korea and Iran, stressing the importance of implementation of UN Security Council resolutions," the statement said.

"They also discussed ways to contribute to reconstruction and stability in Afghanistan."

The statement did not mention Malaysia's claim that Washington had meted out unfair treatment over its decision to relist the country on a human trafficking blacklist.

The annual "Trafficking in Persons Report", released last week, said Malaysia was failing to comply with minimum standards to eliminate trafficking and "is not making significant efforts to do so."

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Belgium Kortrijk young teen is a 'SuperStar' after tattoo on her face

Remember particularly on a ads that came out almost everytime you go for movie in the then cinema (it was done in the 90's, if I remember correctly). It's the ads by one of the shandy company, trying to convey the massage to take it easy in every moment of your life, hence you ought to let go and sing loud "BE HAPPY, DON'T WORRY"? One of the scene was that dude who went to barber shop to have a shock of his hair, to find himself became bald after waken up from his sleep on the wheel. I bet you are recalling now. And that's when the rytheme comes out spontaneously.

This Wednesday, sometime quite similar happen to a teenage girl in Belgium. This round it's about tattoo-ing.

She went in to the parlour in the town of Courtrai after setting an appointment from her home in Kortrijk. This 18years old Belgian lady asked for three small stars on her face, and while tattoo artist worked on the dobby mark, she fall asleep. Could have been counting stars in her sleep or dreamt to be a superstar, she woke up startled to find almost half of her face was filled with various sizes non-twinkling black stars, 56 pieces to be exact.

Apparently, she paid a Romanian tattoo artist £55 to decorate her face with only three stars. Kimmy, who might have the worst case of narcolepsy ever, says she fell asleep while the dude had a sharp needle on her face and woke up covered in STARZ. 56 stars to be exact.

Many commented that it is a fake deed, merely a publicity stunt, though. Bloggers claimed that as since she was really so mortified and embarassed there'd be no way she'd email the incident to Daily Mail with two pictures without her eyes blocked out, and with her real name attached. She is suing the tattoo artist for £8,500, because that's how much it's going to cost to get them all removed.

I personally feel it is not that awful, anyway, if she's a person who frenzy tattoo. Goodnite.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cristiano Ronaldo, can u give me an iPhone, please ?

He, Mr. Cristiano Ronaldo's name was being updated into my intangible dictionary lesser than a week ago.

Seriously, I never even know the existence of this personnel in the world, never to mention that he's the most famous and one of the richest footballer in the whole universal.

Nay nay are boggling with foul words in your mind now, condemning me as a silly sxxker or, even fxxxxr, that is so miserably ignorance to the world of sports. I do admit, but do not brag this fact, though, it is even more much silly for you to have such thought. No one knows everything in this God-creation of earthly planet. It's a norm, i would prescribed that phenomena as, whether you do agree or not with me.

Very simple, coz I'm not a soccer fans, neither do I fancy to watch this sport matches. Girls are even better than me, I do acknowledge that. It's okay with me as well.

I guess many would have envied this Portugese winger. Manchester United, Ronaldo's previous boss had accepted a world record bid of 80million pound, equivalent to a staggering USD$131.7million, from Real Madrid as to make possession of this brilliant lad into their group.

But there are some important facts which successfully made my eye balls (and I believe yours as well) catapulted out. I'm a poor blinded guy now, at these moment.

Now, what you can perform or make purchases with such an enormous remuneration, if it belongs to you :

壹yi (1) As many as 1.31million Apple iPhones (thats how i came out with the title of this post)

貳er (2) Buy Bugatti Veyron cars, not a piece, but 93, whereby each cost you 850thousand pounds

參san (3) It can fly a person to the international Space Station three times, with spare change of more than 15million pound

肆si (4) Buy a Big Mac for the entire population of Canada

伍wu (5) This monies can make you hold 138,000oz of gold on your very hands

陸liu (6) It could buy you 80% of the 100million pound being sought for English Division Two club Newcastle

Still couldn't imagine how fanstastic this 24-year-old guy has managed to brand his world-recorded move with such a whooping deal as mentioned above?

Letme quote you with a simpler explanation or computation :


You need to work for 100,000years to earn such income, with a miserable, oops, er, i mean humble, monthly salary of RM4,600 (and committing yourself of the endurement to leave with pure LOVE & AIR, plus zero expenses and commitment-lah).

p/s: the above calculation is deemed nearest to accuraccy with currency rate exchange ratio of USD1 : RM3.50

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

"出來"社會工作 (十四)

今早, 到過吧生, 去找位準顧客.之前,多和他聯絡上幾許.

他說過周末沒時間,最近也都必須參加一些franchising的訓練課程. 我因此而再約他在今天來見個面,向他解釋商品一般. 在電話上, 他已有向我說明,目前是沒準備要投資. 但他並不拒絕我去找他見個面.

我拿不住主意,到底要去嘛,還是不去的. 好遠的地點耶...


他所謂的franchise商業乃是MLM(傳銷生意). 結果,他因剛剛要在這方面投入及投資,所以沒預算過拿甚麼錢來投資基金.

回到KL來, 用過午餐後,就直接到學生的家給教學班.

榜晚,又南下了,到焦賴的Sg.Long帶人去觀望房屋...到最後還是那句 "讓我們先考慮考慮"... 沒有立即簽約買賣. eehh, 別誤會的. 我並不是覺得失意.可能是習慣了這種場面.


這兩個地方, 我都是駛著摩托車去的.... 屁股肉應該扁平了幾吋了.


這行裡,這種事一點也不奇特,但在心深處,難免會嚥了一句 : 到底還要等多久,才能擺脫這種'困擾'的環境呢?

呵呵, 阿昌呀, 除了努力,還是那一句吧......gambatehhhhh...

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Touch My Body ~ by KoreanBoy a.k.a. Mariah Carey

I have no mean of insulting or discrimination on any individual nor nationality.

But this video really makes me burst out my most truthfull laughters...and still able to chuckle after few rounds of watching it..

You can't expect viewing count as high as Susan Boyle, but ya sure to salute the seriouness of the singer, as well as how terrific the lyric was being substantiated. hE He. Enjoy it-lah.

Thanks, Kenny Sia, for sharing it..

Wednesday, June 10, 2009





Sunday, June 07, 2009

More EPF members opt for flexible withdrawals

MORE members of the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) are opting for flexible withdrawals as they reach 55 years of age to better manage their retirement savings.

In a statement yesterday, the EPF said the Flexible Age 55 Withdrawal saw a significant increase in its take-up rate during the first quarter of 2009

On a year-on-year basis, it increased by 85.46 per cent compared with 5,247 applications in the corresponding period last year," it said.
EPF chief executive officer Datuk Azlan Zainol said the growing popularity of the Flexible Age 55 Withdrawal signified increased awareness among members that lump sum withdrawal would likely lead to inadequate income during retirement.

"The Flexible Age 55 Withdrawal was introduced in November 2007 under the 'Beyond Savings' initiative. It offers members the option to receive their EPF funds in instalments and on an ad hoc basis," he said.
Zainol said nevertheless, the Lump Sum Age 55 Withdrawal plan is still the more popular option for members reaching age 55.

Friday, June 05, 2009

MSN ~ Are you honest to your chatter??

E added C to his MSN.

C raised his eyebrows and said "Eiii, some1 added me oh..., hehe, happy saja"

After a while, C took initiative to chat with E

E couldn't recall how he got C's email.

E also forgotten under what situation that he added me or for what reason...

Later, E initiated conversation with C, most of the time

(Till here, need to clarify something 1st...that is, C is a shy guy, but honest guy, ok??!)

They chatted occasionally.

One night, E linked up again...

but C was not in good mood, or to be more exact, he's feeling down...

So, E consoled C a bit then, ceased the conversation, hehe, reckoned E was a bit stunned

Coz C was so moody and informed E that they should chatt next round...

They became good MSN buddies, good, well, never meet each other before, but still can be so-called good online-buddy.

Out of the sudden, E seems to be always offline

C suspected E barred him.....

C is a bit dissappointed, every day , he still hoping E's status will appear as "Online' again.

But that didn't happen.

Few months passed....

And, out of the sudden, E emerged again by saying 'Hi, C !"

C was a bit alarmed, but who cares, juz continue chatting loh....

Not too long ago, E recommended C to do little selling of online products , make some extra income

C was sceptical, but he told E he will try, somehow..

Since then, E follow-up with C

C feels bad, as he didn't close any deal.

He understood E is a serious guys, serious on his career.

Since then, C feels bad, and didn't know what to chat with E...

But, C request E to keep-in-touch

E welcomed that suggestion

Aiya... story too long dee, make it fast-forward from now on :

C mentioned he feels paiseh,

And do you know what did E reply ?

"To be honest... C, you are funny (he means weird-lah)"

:( :(

C admitted as well, that he is abit weird (coz he is a shy guy mah..)

E continues to mention that ..."To be honest (again), I felt that you are kehsee kehsee (pretending) !!"

Grrrr.......... In his heart, he was disappointed again,.....just when he tought he can substain this friendship...

C told E that he just tried to be honest, so he told E what he felt, and adui.... E honestly said he is FUNNY


Somehow, C had a feeling that E will 'disconnect' him from his MSN list, AGAIN...

And yup, C's 6th sense was correct.

These two days, E 'vanished' into thin air, AGAIN.

Now the question is :

C could be too sensitive, huh!! he does realise that.

If E like honesty, why does he needs to be mind when people tried to be honest?????


Anyway, so what !! happy, don't worry. Just FOrget all this lah....!!! HAHA!

p/s... i had a feeling C wished that E dropped in here and read this post. Sigh..., C is yet able to be a happy-go-lucky person, hmmmm.

REMARK : The above is just a 'abruptedly' poured out feelings, so, in case it creates any nuisance to any individuals, please be generous enough to tolerate with the 'weird' effects you might experienced from. :p

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