Monday, April 28, 2008

changing reaction.... changing result

i took the initiativ' to cook again this e'ning.

too much of veges in the fridge, tat's why. it ain't gonna be a good ending if we take no action on them. i swear it will. hence, we gotta do sometin' 'bout it.

my mum said she 'ill do the cook today. I've told her i'm gonna made it sure tat me be back hom' to take the dinner for the day. n' yeap, i made it! i was ealry back home 'day. back hom' by 2:30pm, 'at it!

i was chat'ng wif my buddy via msn, u bet! it was hal' hour past fiv'. it's gonna b too late if we wouldn't do the cook now. a click in my mind... i wanna to do the cook tis' e'ning, yes, i wanna. yeah.

my mum pushed me away, but i insisted to be the cook ! i wanna tell my buddy in the msn tat' i cook, again, hah! so i did it! and, my Lord, i kno' my mum is the happiest,coz' i did the cooking, yeah! N' i tel' u, my elder bro' was at hom' early today as well... yeap my mum is reali' happy ! Again,we can hav' ur dinner together, reali' seldom to be together, havin' dinner again in this same house.

Done! quickly i on my laptop again. the first thin' i gonna tel' my buddy is... " huh..finis' cookin' " i kno' i purposely did it! yup, i intentionali' did i... to get the praise from my buddy, ha ha !

i kno' it's not too sincere of me to do so, but why not?? i'm hapi', my mum n elder bro weren't not hapi atall !! mos' importantly, i get the praise ! yes !

N' of coz, it gav' me a chance to brus'up my cooking skill, so tat'it won't be too terrible when i nid to cook fu' myslef in the future....

Thanks to my buddi', man. you're do light'up my

Saturday, April 26, 2008

传承 :理想与理念

很多生意人生意做了十几二十年,生意还是停滞不前; 这是守业 ,不是创业 ,也不算企业 ,只是一种变像的职业 ,打工罢了。

企业要茁壮 ,必须创造一个可以让员工轻松自在学习和生活的企业文化 , 让员工不断地成长。

企业要做大 ,就需有同化 ,思维一致 (Systemise) 与复制 (Duplicate) 的能力。若企业要长寿 ,一定要拥有学习与适应的能力 。创办人和核心经营 ,继续培训接班人 ,退居幕后 ,企业才可更上一层楼 。

Friday, April 25, 2008

A Difficult Judgment

In a small town in India , a person decided to open up his Bar business, which was right opposite to the Temple . The Temple & its congregation started a campaign to block the Bar from opening with petitions and prayed daily against his business.

Work progressed. However, when it was almost complete and was about to open a few days later, a strong lightning struck the Bar and it was burnt to the ground.The temple folks were rather smug in their outlook after that, till the Bar owner sued the Temple authorities on the grounds that the Temple through its congregation & prayers was ultimately responsible for the demise of his bar shop, either through direct or indirect actions or means.
In its reply to the court, the temple vehemently denied all responsibility or any connection that their prayers were reasons to the bar shop ' s demise.
As the case made its way into court, the judge looked over the paperwork at the hearing and commented : I don' t know how I'm going to decide this case, but it appears from the paperwork, we have a bar owner who believes in the power of prayer and we have an entire temple and its devotees that doesn't.'

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Malaysian Style of Cari Makan!

Today, i went to KWSP, due to my job function available at there.

Since i knew that it is hard to find a good, legal and cheap parking, i tried parking it at the building besides KWSP building., Tun Razak building.

I went in at around 11am. Few hours later,after finished my task, i walked back to the parking and tried to pay the parking fees via auto-pay machine available at the ground floor. The security counter was near to the machine. A few security personnel, consists of dear kakak and abang standing there and borak borak.

As expected, the fees was high indeed, as expensive as RM18., for 3hr ++. Then, the next thing that happened make me couldn't forgive myself...
I took a RM5o note and started to insert it into the machine, but was rejected. After retrieving the notes, i tried another round but was still ended up being rejected by the machine. Suddenly, i realised that the machine do not accept RM50 note (a sticker indicated this info) ! Quickly, i turned my view to the nearby counter, intend to ask for help. I walked towards the counter and asked the security personnels for smaller change, but was told to proceed to the kiosk/food court at 3rd floor to make some purchases in order to gain smaller notes.
Wow, i was thinking it was really ridiculous not to accept RM50 notes when the per hour fees charge is high!! I grumbled in front of the kakak and abang on my way to the lift.

Okay, when i was back, that was where i started to realise i did not redeem the parking ticket from the machine. Confronting my own carelessness, at the same time consoling myself, in my heart i prayed hard that the ticket would had just been misplaced in my pocket or the sling bag i'm carrying. And alas! Suprise.... it was found no where, not in my laptop bag, neither it is located in my pockets as well as my purse.

One of the security abang came near me when i queried him of any chance that he notice a ticket being left unclaim from the machine, or that there is any possibility that the machine has actually 'swallowed' it. To MY DISSAPOINTMENT, the answer given was no. The machine would have ejected the ticket out in situation that no money is collected!

My cold sweat started to (or appear to) pierce out from my hair follicles and ran down straight to my forehead ! Oh, how follish and forgetfull was me to left the ticket. In my mind, i started to curse the capability of the machine, as well as the management of the building for providing such a good 'facility' to the tenants and visitors. Of course, i blamed myself the most!

To cut short the story, i went up to the kiosk where earlier i bought a bun and a canned Nescafe beverage, but to no avail of finding back the ticket. Now the interesting part arrived..... I asked one of the kakak (security personnel) how should i go about it in order to solve the situation. Oh great, the management will fine me 100 bucks due to misplacement of the ticket. Then, the kakak informed me in B.M. : "You can actually ask for help from that abang (her eyeview directing me to the same abang that was approaching me just now. Very spontaneously my mind told me i'm gotta do some kinda' of kopi duit action.

And as expected again, yes ! This abang 'offered' me with another ticket in order to asssit me going through this 'crisis'. Hah! dear friends, as a norm, undestanding Malaysian, i was straight to the point and asked him reluctantly (of course giving him a very unpleasant kinda of expression with a 'darken complexion' on my face) : "Berapa kena bayar? (how much i need to pay?)" Dua puluh, encik, saya boleh tolong awak.. (twenty bucks, then we can 'help' you)"

Well, very good. I accepted the offer immediately, knowing otherwise, i will make myself into greater inconveniences and financial losses (huh!). And, in front of these guys, again, i grumbled with higher tone and pitched complaining the great facility their auto=pay machine worked -which actually i'm refering to how terrible their behaviour and way of 'cari makan' were!!! I threw the question to this abang "You sure this is not MY ticket???" well, you can guess what is his reply-lah. He even showed the 'entry time' printed on the ticket. Okay, okay, i couldn't say much...sigh. I remembered i came into the building before that...

When recalling this incident, i felt that they are not sincere. First, that abang told me the machine will not service the next client if my ticket would to have stucked in there. And I believe so, coz' i could see few visitors were paying their fees after that.

Secondly, if what proven right as mentioned above, my ticket should had been rejected and bounced out from the machine. So, the next question is, where was my ticket then. Ok, maybe it was taken by the someone who was making their fee payment. But, can't the security personnels do a favour by observing and try locating the ticket, juzt before anybody realised and took it? I remembered clearly that I was actually grumbing loudy my unsatisfactory with all the kakak and abang standing around the machine and myself (coz' they were rather suprised with my reaction). Haha !

For sure, something cheeky happened here.... sigh..

Saturday, April 19, 2008



我和我老公去拜拜的時候 , 有個小姐站在註生娘娘的面前摸著肚子 ,要我老公幫他插香到香爐裡。

可是我一直覺得很怪異叫我老公不要幫 , 那個小姐還凶我說沒看到她手不方便!?

我老公以為她手受傷所以好心幫她放 , 等到我們拜完在路上看到她竟然四肢健全。趕快打電話問一位通靈的大哥 , 他說是有人教那位小姐這種方式來借胎 ,就教我們化解的方法...所以喔!!人不要太好心!!幫忙放香進香爐只能幫自家人放喔!! 恐怖哦~


今天聽到一件非常駭人聽聞的消息,是真實事件...有一個高中女生晚上在回家的時候 ... 在自家門前看到一位香港人,他說因為參加某某節目,跟某某人打賭,希望那女生把襪子給他一隻。

因為那女生快要到家了,所以想進去拿一隻新的乾淨的。那個香港人說,就要她腳上那一隻,高中女生看她很誠懇的樣子,便把腳上的襪子脫下來給她。香港人很高興,又有點不好意思,要塞 100元給那高中女生,因為她家非常富有,便堅持不收。


這位師父劈頭就問那女生有沒有收人家的錢!?那女生說沒有,師父說:「如果有收錢,命就救不回來了!」就這樣化解一場危機。那位師父說,因為現在的時機非常不好,很多大鬼小鬼都拿著令牌在尋人,因此凡是要小心,而且,要特別注意的是:女生絕對不要把下列七樣東西交給別人:1.頭髮2.指甲3.襪子4.身上的東西其他我忘了,交給別人,「有心人」只要有其中一項,就可以要你的命!一切要小心,而且不要隨便拿陌生人的錢或東西,不要貪小便宜也不要濫用同情心 .....如果您收到別人分享給您的好文章,不要吝嗇,您也可以繼續分享給好友,請別忘我這一份喔。當我們用心對人時,有心人將以熱情回報妳,希望我們都是用心的人,也是有心的人。

Friday, April 18, 2008




本以为要来引导进入话题的刹那, 这位仁兄很快的便摇头表示不愿继续听解了。



听了这大哥哥这么一回答, 我便继续鼓励他更要为自己作个投资计划来帮忙存钱。

结果大哥就回答 :"哦,我今年才35岁, 没钱,没钱!!" 他又说:“你们应该找50岁的人士,他们才真正有钱啊”。


他的反应仍然是 “我现在没钱”然后就离开了.....

好一句 “等我50岁才有钱!” 哈哈!! 旁边的同事听到也跟我一起在那边只好摇摇头了!哈,在这种年代还有这样自以为是的思想的人!

我过后还有点感觉到不太相信刚刚听到的这一般的回答。 可能我对人的要求高了些吧!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


朋友好的,真的是称得上是知己的不需要多,有一两个就很辛福了!我几个月前, 认识了一位好友,我很珍惜他,虽然我不知他会否同样的对待我。

多愁伤感的我,可能知道自己已主定过单身的一辈子,就会比较要得到人家的保护,爱护及关怀。就像我们很希望父母,终生伴lu都一样, 希望能永远的陪伴着我们在身边,直到永远。

我不断的提醒自己要坚强的面对人身道路上的一切考验 ,让自己振作起来。


Saturday, April 12, 2008










49 (fortnight) DJ Song
