Sad or unhappy ending movie was one of my favourite type in the past!
But of course, sad movie not necessarily ends up unhappy, rite? smile lahh.. be positive.
One day, if someone would request you to watch a sad movie, what will be your ending? Will it be :
a) You will say 'oh great, i'm looking for someone to go with me!
b) You will say 'oh, i heard it's award winning film, i guess we will enjoy watching it'..ehm, but there's another movie showing now. It's acted by famous stars, and it's fully action-packed'c) You will say 'please.. its not my taste! forget it' and you walk away (unless your mum or girlfriend insist, haha, i guess you'll pretend there's an incoming call and ended up to say 'sorry, tonite i have an appointment! maybe next time, dear". You've saved yourself.People who knows me well acknowledge i'm a rather cloudy-like kind of guy. I remember everytime i finishes watching sad movie with sad ending story (you might ask what about sad movie with happy ending...well, except for those old good P.Ramlee movies, you would not accept a sad movie with good ending! no opmhhhh mah), you'll see a (intangible) cloud parking on top of my head.

Even worse, for a couple of days, i will be pretty emotional. Oh yeah, i guess tat's make me a very grumpy boy at that time. You can say that again! That has most probably built up the future characteristic in me. Well, one single word. Negative effect by these sad movie. They are only fake stories, i understand but the impact were there.
And the worst of all, i'm trained to have a preception of a gloomy-filled world i am living in.

In the present, i don't really like such movies anymore. Even if i do, irregardless of whether happy or sad movie, i will able to accept to a sad ending. Of course i have the choice of not watching it, but i guess that's something to do with our age matching with our life encounters...(ok, ok, i know utter the word 'old' lor).
You start to ask why? Oh, to shorten up the explanation. In this millenium era, people tends to think openly and positively. No choice, you have to face with many unforseens happening. Hence, the Chinese always say : Eat anything you like, do whatever you can... whenever you can as well. Since we have choice, like me, you wouldn't want to watch sad movies. The outside world is stressful enough..why should i make myself so pitiful again by watching these tearful stories.
Well, reality is the word. Again, the dragon descendent says "Live is like a stage" (for sketches, not the one your headmaster present his/her speech in front of students).
And of no doubt, your mindset is the ultimate solution. You can bring along the depression feelings after you left the cinema or you can still put through such ending, BUT yet immediately envisage a better tomorrow. Hah! This uis what i call real positive thinking.
Try watching movie called Life is Beautiful ("La Vita e bella") - oops, not trying to do a movie intro though - 1997 Italian language film which tells the story of a Jewish Italian, Guido Orefice (played by Roberto Benigni, who also directed and co-wrote the film), who must learn how to use his fertile imagination to help his son survive their internment in a Nazi concentration camp.

Well, after watching it, i bet (and cross my heart) you will really gonna cherish your life, your family, your frens matter how terrible you thought your life would be. Nope, it ain't sending demoralising message to you either.
Pray, put a hope, do charity, preach for peace, just anyting. But I guess accepting the reality and envisage for better tomorrow is in fact, the remedy to the unpredictable life.
~~~ the end ~~~