Thursday, April 30, 2009

"出來"社會工作 (十三)


本今晚想坐下來, 輕輕鬆鬆的讀讀報紙,看看電視, 或閱讀我最近都很難讀完的幾本書, 但, 就突然間要寫帖子了.

勞動節已不對我造成甚麼興奮之事, 至少這兩年多的時期. 我還很記得, 曾在這兒吐過心聲, 公共假期使我覺的鬱悶了些,孤寂了些.

曾經何時這題材變成了我發洩情緒的屋舍了. 這讓我感到自己很懦弱, 無助. yiii.....嘩, 瞬息間, 又覺得自己的文章很有藝術感, 很些惆悵,傷感似的..

我好像發了場夢..我... 唉.

但,我安慰著自己說, 必經,我能對自己作出這人生的轉捩點, 可算很了不起了. 熟悉我的人都知道的, 阿昌已變了很多. 有些還覺的我自各活該倒楣拿來的.. 我並不生你們的氣, 因我知道大家是關心著我, 所以以悲憫的眼光來看我(講到這, 又好像是在可來憐自己, 啊....!! 討厭這種感覺.

adui... 本要寫的東西都迷失方向了..


噢! 還有...阿冰姐, 你覺得我的部落格有進步嗎? 我不是說字體,語言方面, 而是感覺方面. 還會很灰嗎? 呵呵, 應該會陽光些, 很多吧?? 我有信心我很多方面都在改進, 更開心了..

eh! 我甚至有意思在我成功後, 要著作一本書來鼓勵鼓勵像我這種人的人, 分享我的一身經歷來讓他們知道, 一切要有信心,才會有成功(注: 成功當然是對不同的人有著不同的定義啦, 嘻嘻).

到此為止, 又是超過半夜時刻了.

祝你和我都有個好oiyn oiyn, 哈哈!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sex Maniac Sneaks into Damansara

Sex maniac is wandering in the town.... again. So long since we heard of such incidents occuring, especially in the mid of crowded cities like KL.

This round, he's a handsome guy, believe it or not.. It is reported that he preys on targets from the young girls, ladies, madames, and even old grandma and little toodlers.

Suprisingly, this guy does not even scare female out of the way, but in fact lure their attentions. Even guys are attracted to him,OMG...

Last week, this weird guy emerged inside a shopping mall at Damansara, PJ. Coincidentally, I was there having some window shopping with my buddies.

His back was facing us when we spotted this freaky guy.

We like the rest of the shoppees chased up from the back to overtake him... just to take a look what under his coat.

A-ha! catcha!! Nope, the exclamation note is not expressed by us, but by him...

Now you see it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Googles Adsense does adapts to changes !

Dear Bloggers,

Before this, I have commented on the how well of the adaptation can Googles Adsense made out of it, based on the changes happening to the publisher (in this case us, the bloggers or website owner) site.

Ehm... its 100% definitely, absolutely, for sure, confirmed the reality on Google Adsense.

After much patience in observing, I hereby confirmed that the advertisement languagues will go in parallel with the language you use in your post.

Just before this 'report' I'm posting right now, the ads appearing in my blog were all in Chinese. My latest three posts were done in English, Google Adsense Chinese ads has since(gradually) then transformed fully English ads.

Superb transformation, indeed.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

What's most curious in The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

Watching a movie with 13 nominations for the 81st Acedemy Awards, you ought to have some kinda expectation from it.

Compared to several years' back starring Brad Pitt's 'Seven Years In Tibet', at least you don't have to feel watching the movie as though sitting there for seven years to finish. 2 hours of yours are sufficient.

Well, as the name bears the word 'curious', that becomes the biggest lure for me to decide going for it.

Out of the total nominations, it swept off 3 awards, being for The Best Art Direction, Best Makeup & Best Visual Effects.

If you ask me, personnally I should compliment with a thumbs-up on the makeups done to Brad. Transformation to an old guy actually does not amazed me too much (since there were many many such characteristic features created before from the past movies).

Near to the ending of the story, it was an astonishment to see Brad Pitt grown to his 'youngster' age. Tell you what, he really looked like our young and fresh Mr.Pitt just like you saw in his earlier films.

You hardly, or not at all exaggerating to mention it was never been, seen such fabulous (reverse) effects applied to any of the actor/actress in any movie before.

And, I would have been saying the same thing as per dialogue said by his getting-old wife, Daisy, starred by "Cate" Blanchett. She said : "You are so much were right, I couldn't have rising both of you (Button + his daughter)"

**** Brad looked even younger you saw from the above pic

Besides winning the above-mentioned awards, yet, the local newspaper in NewOrleans, Times-Picayune commented the New Orleans' house featured in the film deserves an Oscar for best supporting role by a family homestead.

Lols .. Those who have seen the movie will recognize the sprawling, 8,000-plus-square-foot raised centerhall cottage as the old folks' home where Benjamin Button (Brad Pitt) is raised by the resident manager, Queenie (Taraji P. Henson). Whether or not should it becomes the first non-human nominees, this famous movie house is now up for sale. The premier auction house in US, Sotheby's is selling the home for $2.85 million !!!!

Forgotten the main topic of this post. So, what should be the most curiousity you could be finding after watching it? Oh, simple... there's ain't anybody is curious enough to actually seize Benjamin away to do research of how such phenomena of started his life old and ending in resentment of dying 'infanted-ly'.. oh dear.

Wonder what will be Mdm Jolie's reaction towards it if such case would to befall onto her hubby in the real life?

Since this couple were so much involved as global ambassadors for welfares around the world, she would have to build a fund for the I-called-it 'Button Disease' patients. Hee..

And, the moral of this epic is, stop feeling sad while you feel old , start to cherish if you can
grow older with your loved ones.....

49 (fortnight) DJ Song
